Search results

  1. 3

    I liked Ryan Dunn.

    Him and Knox were two of the ones I actually laughed at a lot. Too bad he died this morning. ;( Bam's Mom: 'Jackass' Star Ryan Dunn Dies | Someone else was there, not sure who it was though. EARLY MORNING OFN? Sucks though.
  2. 3

    Porkroll, egg, and cheese.

    I know people in Jersey/PA like this, who else has tried this? I haven't had one in a few years, being stationed in Texas and all... but the ketchup/eggs thread made me think of this. More fat threads, please! Whilst on the NJ/PA topic, how about some wawa tea and some cheesesteaks? Fucking...
  3. 3

    Tribalwar, help my buddy out please.

    A friend of mine... his little girl has been battling life for a little over the past year. When she was born she only weighed 2.5 lbs and has had multiple operations at DuPont Children s hospital in Delaware. She only recently has been allowed to come home after being in the hospital for the...
  4. 3

    Anyone ever go to Morocco?

    Just curious if anyone has been there / personal experiences. I have a friend there and she invited me to come up for a few weeks. I know they generally love Americans and are safe, but in the markets they try to hustle/are intimidating, but its all in good business. She lives in Casablanca...
  5. 3

    311@Dallas Dec. 5th

    Anyone gonna go? Should be a blast they always have a bad ass show.
  6. 3


    Hilarious, that is all. I haven't laughed that much in a while. nut up or shut up. you all are pussies.
  7. 3

    Got a free ticket to Metallica tonight.

    It was really random and my buddy I work with offered up a free ticket. Sounds like a good time. Cheers!
  8. 3

    Reminder: Whale Wars on tonight.

    I don't usually watch it, but this season seems sick. Just a simple reminder its on tonight. Cheers!
  9. 3

    Krod Mandoon and the Flaming Sword of Fire

    Anyone catch it tonight? If not, its on again later. I like it and think its pretty funny.
  10. 3

    i cant search so...

    Where is that video ... NOW IM IN YOUR ASS GIRL... singing shit. do it. post it. thats all i want. no homo.
  11. 3

    ghosthunters x2 [joe chin = brian peppers]

    if you watch the show, youll see this ridiculous look-a-like. I swear, its the asian version. This picture doesn't do justice, but if you see the episodes with him on it... you'll giggle. brian peppers - Google Image Search you all obviously know...
  12. 3

    .gif site?

    what are some of those ridiculous .gif sites that have a whole bunch that are pretty nws and gross. Yeah, it gets me off just fucking tell me. I remember one had an asian girl naked sliding across the floor back and forth getting pushed by other ones. Theres tons of grossness, but hilarious fun.
  13. 3

    [shut up about ron paul faggots] thread.

    I know you faggots don't like hearing about him, but don't forget to pick up USA Today tomorrow. :) STFU ABOUT RON PAUL IDIOTS.
  14. 3

    2guys1cup, wth?

    YouTube - 2guys 1 cup I really don't like John Mayer, but I thought this was hilarious that he would do this. Possibly posted before but shut the fuck up cock guzzling scumbags.
  15. 3

    kissing another guy cheating?

    So I'm in this play for school as an actor and i have to kiss a boy that is not my boyfriend. Should I tell my boyfriend about it before he watches the play? Or should i just wait for him to watch the play, and let it be a surprise? Will he consider it cheating because I didn't tell him before...
  16. 3

    [Kray's thread] Post YOUR girlfriend in Lingerie.. [possible NWS]

    A lot of people have shit to say about his girlfriend. The only shit I can talk is the quality of the picture. Velo had a picture of his hottie, and a good point. He delivered. You talk shit? Why don't you deliver. I wanna see who you fucked around with. How about even in Lingerie? If its...
  17. 3

    i was running across youtube and...

    i saw my rl friend on there. ROFL headbanging like a motherfucker. cracks me up. His dog then runs into his head. Dangerous Dale is an unusual creature. YouTube - Dangerous Dale's Headbang fuck i forgot porn brb one second to find some. here : taco bell - Google Image Search
  18. 3

    [Pics] Look what I woke up to..

    mods are a 2.4l stroker, fp red (60-1), 950cc inj, fmic, etcetc. arghhhh. =\
  19. 3


    I believe I read somewhere pyroblast is losing its cooldown. Now if you have Presence of mind, what does that tell you? Sheep->pyroblast->pom->pyroblast->fireblast-> and if you have it, BLASTwave. That is a rediculous amount of DPS. Not complaining, but damn that would hurt.
  20. 3

    [Hawaii] Never been there..

    How is it like there for the people that live/been there? I am 90% sure I am going there next year, anything fun to do / look out for? Thanks.