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  1. J

    When do you wash your hands?

    - In the shower and that's it? - After taking a leak? - After taking a dump? - Before eating? - When? My desk is near one of the two bathrooms in my office (it's basically just a giant open room with bathrooms at either end) and I've started to notice that hardly any of the sick fucks I work...
  2. J

    [Flash Game] Cursor10

    Cursor*10 (nekogames) I can't get beyond floor 10
  3. J

    EA Chicago just got shut down I know a lot of guys that work there... love or hate EA, it always sucks when 150+ people get canned or forced to relocate.
  4. J

    Tombstone is on TNT

    Great movie... never realized until tonight how much I like Ike. He just back-handed the bartender before getting knocked out by a gun butt to the head. Then he still talks smack while riding out of town. Ike rules.
  5. J

    This is why you should use surge protectors

    After all the rain and bad storms that rolled through Chicago, my basement ended up a little flooded. I was finally able to go down there and start cleaning things up this morning... carpet's trashed, and a few things I had on the floor are soaked. Moved my Sony big-screen tv to see what the...
  6. J

    HD Video Capture?

    Anyone know of a way to capture HD video via component cables? I need to record some Xbox360 footage, doesn't matter if it's mac or pc (we have both). I can't seem to find anything that's under $3500 to capture HD video.
  7. J

    It's a twister, it's a twister!

    If you live in the midwest, don't forget to duck and cover tonight. It's supposed to get bad.
  8. J

    Chicago hostage situation

    There's 100's of police cars and a bunch of ambulances right outside my office... there's some sort of hostage situation going on across the street. Any of you Chicago guys who works downtown and takes the Metra, you're probably screwed. They've got the train station on full lock-down with...
  9. J

    Penis transplant successful, wife rejects new dong "The microsurgery to attach the penis, which had been donated by the parents of a 22-year-old brain-dead man, was successful but Hu and his team removed it two weeks later." "There had been no signs of the 10-centimeter (4-inch) organ being rejected by the...
  10. J

    Tornado warning for NYC

    Anyone from TW in the area?
  11. J

    Brisco County Jr

    Entire series is being released in a DVD box set on July 18th... one of the greatest shows ever made.
  12. J

    Best way to deal with phishes?

    I've been getting phishing emails for the past 2 or 3 weeks, all telling me that someone is trying to logon to my credit card account on the internet and I have to update my info right away or it will be suspended. Today I got one from someone that is obviously new to this... he forgot to...
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    New book about Barry Bonds "BALCO tracked Bonds' usage with doping calendars and folders -- detailing drugs, quantities, intervals and Bonds' testosterone levels -- that wound up in the hands of federal agents upon their Sept. 3...
  14. J

    Braves fans post here

    We can all whine about getting swept out of the first round (for the 4th year in a row) by Houston... Go Braves!
  15. J

    If you and I got in a fight...

    Who would win? I think I would.
  16. J

    Madden roster update bug

    They've made players 7 inches tall:
  17. J

    Missing New Orleans dolphins found... If they can train them to jump on a mat, why can't they train them to catch fish?
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    Mercenary for hire

    Probably OFN, but I'm ok with that.
  19. J

    ESPN Insider Request it's a story about rookies in the MLB Thanks
  20. J

    Father of 9/11 hijacker praises London bombers These things start in the home...