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    U.S. appeals court says government cannot censor offensive trademarks

    I tried to bump this thread but there's some bullshit limit on bumping threads over a year old on this site now. Reuters - U.S. appeals court says government cannot censor offensive trademarks Eat. A. Dick.
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    i bought salt and pepper pistachios

    by accident. at costco so it's a giant bag. real gross. can't stop eating them though.
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    help me play t1

    i haven't played i years. i tried the ascend config, figured i could fix the key bindings, but that shit has some weird graphics glitch in full screen it just blinks all over the place. i'm on windows 8.1 if anyone knows wtf that's about. the stock version i have works fine, windowed ascend...
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    fuck yeah
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    æ æ
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    claude is fine. now it's on you

    you know what to do. balls in your court.
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    [stupid rant] fuck you oracle

    so java 1.7 doesn't uninstall java 1.6 so anyone who gets 1.7 installed is going to have an unpatched version of 1.6 on their machine. so i have to use these scripts to remove all 1.6 versions, but not 1.7 (if the computer has it), as well as push out 1.7. to hundreds of computers. which...
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    [Sweet] The government gets all our health records

    Obviously the author is a bit biased... Obamacare will put patients' records at risk | Examiner Editorial | Opinion | Washington Examiner I think it's fucked up. This is the kind of bullshit that happens when they pass bills like this without ever reading it.
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    [IT] helpdesk/ticket tracking software

    Looking for a free solution to track tickets. Inventory for software/hardware is a plus. I would rather manually set up the inventory, as everything i've seen that automatically does it by scanning the network sucks balls (you get what you pay for i suppose). Was wondering if anyone had any...
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    Owner of Killer Bear Chokes on Sex Toy

    Owner of killer bear chokes to death on sex toy - US news - Weird news -
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    [tech help] streaming hd tv from one location to another

    I'm trying to setup a system that will stream TV from one location to another. I was looking into the sling system, and while the mobile setup looks nice it apears they've dropped away from directly connecting to TV's (the slingcatcher line). I imagine due to pressure from the industry... So...
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    [government] while they fight over which programs to cut to curb spending...

    someone i know is going to pitch an ipad app idea to a government agency. why? because they bought 500 ipads last year. they had money to spend before the new budget year started, and they had no idea what to do with it. they litterally said, 'lets spend this money by buying ipads, we'll...
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    Red light cameras reduce fatalities

    Study: Red light cameras reduce fatalities - so there you go. it allows cops to remain in the neighborhoods, while encouraging drivers to safely stop at all the intersections in the city - not just the ones with cameras. o.O
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    VA Verizon customers have no service

    Virginia-based Verizon Wireless subscribers: No, we cannot hear you now | BGR | Boy Genius Report just an FYI, i'm sure theres a handful of you in VA with verizon...
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    [stupid] gamma distribution question

    i just want to see if i have this right, because i'm kind of confused so you can do the gamma distribution with parameters a and b you can figure out a, by a = (xbar/s)^2 and you can figure out b, by b = (s^2)/xbar is that correct, or am I missing something here?
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    home audio speakers on sale - good deal?

    Alright, i've been trying to build this system for a while, but i keep finding more important things tos pend my money on... these are on sale for a few days, and i don't really know if these are a good value. For reference i have: yahama v663 receiver -...
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    [BESX] I'm stuck - any idea whats wrong with this BESX server?

    Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated.... BESX 5.0 on server 2003/exchange 2003. Works fine except for users get 'Attachment Server no Found' when trying to open attachments. Firewall is disabled, no antivirus, and the server is actively listening on port 1900 I can telnet in...
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    DC Fires 241 Teachers

    D.C. school system fires 241 teachers - Good. DC school system sucks and teach unions are awful.
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    Office 2010 deleting files

    I'm curious if anyone here has experience this problem. I can't find anything on it. Computer A has office 2010 (win 7 x64 pro) Computer B has office 2010 (win 7 x64 pro) Computer C has office 2007 (win 7 x86 pro) When a word or excel (hasn't happened with any other file) is open and being...
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    [IT] Latest Adobe flaw and info for those interested...

    I'm sure most of the people who care have already heard about this, but i figured what the hell, there are quite a few people here who work in the IT field. as for the rest of you, i'd be careful browsing the web for a few days until you patch your shit. For those of you interested some new...