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    While making the other monkey thread I stumbled upon this picture which is actually just under "monkey" in google images. I forget how to make spoiler tags so I had to make a new thread. Forgive me.
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    Are you a monkey or a flying squirrel

    Women are trees. Monkeys like to swing around on vines during the day, they like travel but they always come back to the same tree. They hang out on one tree until they find a better tree. When they find it they swing across to it. Monkeys don't care how crazy the tree is, what kind of fucked...
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    [Review] Star wars force unleashed (Steam)

    Review: This game would be great (for Xbox). I do not believe that it said "Shitty Port" under the info. This game is a pain in the ass to play, and I can only see it working with an xbox controller, or a trackball mouse. The puzzles are tedious with a mouse, and the controls only work well...
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    Arbor Snowboard Design Contest

    per the usual i will probably get more negative input from the e-nerds that set up snowboarding trips yet most likely cant even ride. I guess this was meant for a diff forum
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    Bank Robber Eats Demand Note

    Thought TW would laugh at this. Pretty funny. Bank Robber Eats Demand NoteVideo I dont know if I can direct link from, and if this was already posted I dont care, it deserves front page.
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    [halp] Blu-Ray questions

    TW I made a recent thread hoping to find a site that would let me download more HD movies than Itunes has available, but I haven't had much luck. My next step is getting a blu-ray player. I have some questions for people here that use Blu-Ray. I don't have a console either and I think I am...
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    Alternative Itunes/netflic for HD downloads.

    Hello, I just got a new computer screen 30" lcd (DELL WFP3008) and I've been running it at 2560x1600 for everything. It works great, but even some HD movies don't look great on the screen, some even look blurred a bit. I was hoping someone would know of a legal site that has HD movies either...
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    Graphics cards support DVI-D?

    Hey TeeDub techies, I'm thinking of purchasing a new monitor from dell. Right now I am using dual 17" CRTs that are about to make my desk collapse from the sheer weight. Dell has a 30" monitor that looks nice, for 33/mo. However my graphics card is a GeForce 8600 GTS, and it doesn't support...
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    [help] Mice

    I am trying to find a new mouse that I can take to work. I have been using the Microsoft Trackball Optical for many years now, and I absolutely adore it. It still works great and I am completely used to it. However, today I went shopping for another one only to realize that not only is it no...
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    MicroSD Storage Devices

    I'm going on a ski trip in 2 weeks and I do not have a laptop. I plan on taking around 8 gb worth of helmet cam footage over 4 days, but I can only record 2gb per day(100 mins) due to battery life. Anyways, I'm looking to find some sort of device that will let me move microSD data to a...
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    Rest In Peace

    MC Breed MC Breed News on Yahoo! Music MC Breed on wikipedia Nj31LWPjFoc
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    House music/Trance/Techno

    I just left the club Ruby Skye in S.F. at 12:15. Someone put me on their guest list and I wanted to go out tonight so I showed up. Ruby Skye is supposed to be a "world class nightclub" Given I just wanted to get out and didn't realize what music they play, it was such a letdown. How in the...
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    so i haven't been keeping up on tabs lately

    with tribalwar. What happened to all the old forum? I tried to find something yesterday and there is no search function, so i went back through the pages and luckily it was on page 17. Why did the forums change to this new metrosexual appearance and where can I find the previous threads of...
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    Donald Duck Does Acid

    Help me find that picture of donald duck and his face using different drugs. Anyone got it or know where it is? google isnt working for me.
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    lil help

    Can someone link me the thread that was posted in the last few months of the top post counts? thanks couldn't find it in search
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    [BREAKING] apperently LSD is allready out of controll

    According to I wonder what happens if it actually starts growing lol.
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    [Coming] Hello Tribalwar

    Ok I have a beer now. Wahts up guise.
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    [leaving] Goodbye Tribalwar

    I'm going to the fridge for a beer. Be right back.
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    [Shaving] yowch

    So recently my lovely electric razor broke. I've become tired of replacing the blades and the razor lately because they are hard to locate, but more specifically the quality of shave I get out of it. It was a Norelco brand say 4 years old. It always took me a lot longer than I hoped to get a...
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    felopenbeta@garagegames.c om

    Mail a blank email to : they are letting 1000 more people into the legions open beta right now. you can thank me by posting some boobs