Search results

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    Electronic Drum Sets

    I want to try to get some knowledge of Electronic Kits. I've always preferred an acoustic kit of Electronic kits. They will always feel and sound better to me. But there are tons of advantages with an electronic kit. Tommy Igoe got me sold on its versatility: the ability to change tone and...
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    First Time Cooking Ribs [PICS]

    I love cooking, but really never got around to cooking ribs til now. I've seen shows, watched others prepare, and now I'm going to combine a lot of these elements to what I hope is going to be delicious. Ingredients: -about 3 1/2lbs of ribs -Grill Mates Pork Rub -Famous Daves Rich and Sassy...
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    What do you guys do with E-mail scammers?

    I just received this e-mail: I know 100% that they don't have my resume. What do you guys do when you receive e-mail like this? I remember people doing things like signing up people's e-mail addresses to porn sites and other shit like that. Here's the stupid e-mail address...
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    In Need of a Specific Porn Video

    I was just telling my friend of a video that came across the forums years ago and I wanted to show it to him. It's of a white chick with her legs over her head, a black dude pulling out his cock from her vag, then slowly pulls his balls out of her ass and says, "BOOYAH!!" I used to have it...
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    Wtf is up with my coffee?

    I got it from AM/PM (too much good stuff) and it was fine when I first got it (around 8am). I don't mind drinking it cold, but when it touches the tip of my tongue, it feels sharp and tingly. What. The. Fuck.
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    I Just Subscribed To Netflix

    What should I watch? I'm up to date on all Lost. I've given up on Heroes. Any cool sci-fi/fantasy flicks that I might have missed?
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    Google Voice is Pretty Rockin'

    They've got some pretty awesome features. The best part that best applies to me is that they can call anyone in the U.S. for free and it calls your phone. Being a US Cellular subscriber, I get all incoming calls for free. So I can call any one of my gay family memberse or friends through...
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    [Help]iPod FM Transmitter + Car Charger [NWS]

    I travel a lot so I've been looking for an iPod Car Charger and FM Transmitter. I have a car that's a Radio + CD player (no Cassette or aux adapter). Do any of you have any experience with this? I know it's not the best situation to be in since FM transmission is still going to fuck (or rape)...
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    I Love Da Bears

    But this pic of Johnny Knox is real fucking goofy. Photoshop?
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    Apparently Demonoid is Down....

    .... and going to be for a long time. What torrent sites are you guys using that I don't need an invite?
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    Final Fantasy IV: The After Years

    Was it seriously supposed to be a 3 hour game? How many more parts do I need to buy? wtf...
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    Drew Peterson Arrested Again

    He supposedly killed his third wife. Just saw a scroll on my tv about him being arrested again. His info here: Drew Peterson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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    Yankees getting their sh!t pushed in

    20 - 6 top of the 6th? That's fucked up...
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    lol... the VP/Provost of FIU introduced Isiah Thomas as Isiah Thompson.... what a dummy...
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    [Help]Better Off Ted Episode 1

    If I wasn't on a work computer, I would "buy" the first episode via iTunes or something of the like. Can anyone help me find the first episode so I can see if I will like the show (now that it's 5, 6 episodes into the season)? Help much appreciated. Sorry I can't deliver in the normal TW way.
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    [NFL] 2009 Schedule Released

    Bears have 5 primetime night games :)
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    This is how you dick kick
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    Eazy E and Saggin with Attitudes

    Discussion with my students today (paraphrasing): me: Eazy-E was a rapper with N.W.A. Student A: What does N.W.A. mean? me: N word with Attitudes Student B: Saggin with Attitudes me: What? Student B: Saggin is backwards from the "word" me: Oh... Discuss?
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    Need A Name Of An Old Video

    It's the one where people are just sitting in a room but it really is a chat room. Not the one with the two roommates from Seattle, Washington.
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    Friday Night Lights or Dollhouse?

    I think I know the answer to this already... but anyway... What should I watch tonight?