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  1. M

    why are there only 3 fkn pigs?

    -moto Edit: I actually meant to type pages, but I look like pigs too.
  2. M

    moto just donated $200

    +$50 for 10yr subscription Thanks fuckers, for keeping alive this FIRST, and now the LAST toxic raciss bigoted offensive bastion of free speech left on planet earth. -moto (renegades>tribes*)
  3. M

    When is the next Tribes PU?

    Hope yall assholes r somewhat healthy n forcing sum fun irl. Lets Tribe soon. -moto
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    death and robots -moto
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  6. M

    i just took my shoes off

    after long hard day of manual labor, expecting to get a nice wiff of stinky feet. didnt get the smell i was expecting. clearly, at least one of my 2 socks had been used for other purposes recently, that my hot sweaty feet reactivated the unmistakable odor of sex. -moto
  7. M

    and so it begins...

    Tazewell County Passes Militia Resolution to Loud Cheers HjdAZIGynwM Vq1Unc9PZns TFcV41N0K6M bGPaHXJlGT0 keep your powder dry -moto
  8. M

    pearl harbor shooting

    Active shooter situation at Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard leaves at least 3 injured
  9. M

    moto pro-tip of the day

    TIGHT-ROLL long sleeve BEFORE wiping poop off butthole! just pushing sleeve up is insufficient, as it can fall down at worst possible time, resulting in bad things. -moto
  10. M

    thanks to whoever fixed tw yesterday

    pretty fast. much love. by the way, hows the tw piggy bank doin? need refill? -moto
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    dave is back

    netflix sticks n stones weird, push limits (ok way bwyond limits), but thats what makes dave dave. it was good. moto recommends. eyOkypzFfHo -moto
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    (pole) dew yew believe in havax?

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    dr. squatch

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    rip chewbacca

    :angel: :chewbacca: gGPi-JqG7-A Peter Mayhew Dead: Chewbacca Actor in Was 74 | Hollywood Reporter :cry:
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    spacex falcon heavy livestream launch in 2mins

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    socal synagogue shooting
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    calling orbital123

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    pony play

    wonder how many twers are into pony play B3fftwhfvE4
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    planet of the apes

    Chinese scientists have put human brain genes in monkeys—and yes, they may be smarter - MIT Technology Review