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  1. M

    The Tribes Like shooter - REVEALED!

    Here Video Included
  2. M

    Ted "IceMan" Jackson[Possible OFN]

    Funniest thing I've seen in a while. Sorry if it's already been posted. <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="[]" width="400" height="326"><param name="movie" value="[]" /><param name="FlashVars"...
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    [NWS] I Has Crutches!!! Community Service[NWS]

    Great Vid. Slight resemblance to Guy Faux and Smiegel. Hope ya haven't seen it already.
  4. M

    [Music]Warped Tour Voting

    Hey guys, my brother's band 'AK Charlie' is in the running for playing the Warped Tour show in Boise, ID. I remember a little while back when we all voted for some other guys' band and some dj on a radio station site, so I was hoping you guys could help me out in return. The site is...
  5. M

    Teacher Bangs Kid 28 Times in...

    Teacher banged this kid 28 times in one week. Now in relation with crazyleg's thread, it's yet another hot teacher who participated in this incident as well. "The 34-year-old Delaware teacher is facing rape charges for allegedly having...
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    [Metal]Kataklysm-In the Arms of Devastation

    I listened to the album today. I am pretty impressed with it. Who else has heard the album?
  7. M

    Call me let's talk. 801-791-9863

    flame on.
  8. M

    Torrents? WHERE!?

    Yo guys, now that suprnova is done and youceff is apparently down. Where is a "GOOD" place to get torrents, a place with a rather large archive much like suprnova? Just kinda wondering, I know of many torrent sites but not many of them are as fulfill full as suprnova was previously .