Search results

  1. A

    Went from dead, to deader

    At launch and a few months after there were at LEAST 20-30 players, with 2 very active EU servers (Ping sucked but at least there were people to play with) Really enjoyed it because a shit player like myself could turret farm like the beginning glory days of T1 before everyone got super good...
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    Get the FUCK

    Out of my secret thread. :isee:
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    Happy Festivus

    LOL Seinfeld was a show LOL :attention -rep
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    Rold Mrickdronald Hrad a Frarm

    Ree EYE Ree EYE Rowww
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    Whats your Transformer name?

    Mine would be "Rim-Job Prime"
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    So whats next for ZdTV/TechTv/Techtv-G4/G4?

    I miss the Old days of ZdTv and some of TechTv. I watch G4 for ST: TNG and thats it. Attack of the show (The Screen Savers) Is a hudge pile of shit. And what the FUCK does FAST LANE and TEH MAN SHOEWS have to do with Tech?
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    What does Bullwinkle say when he hurts himself?

    Ouch!... I got a Moussaoui :(
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    So, Ive Bought 2 new diesel vans to replace the Gasoline vans my company has used for years. The diesels are getting 22mpg average. The Gas vans where getting 13 average. So Ive cut my fuel cost by almost half. I want to cut it down even more, and make Bio-Diesel. I have an unlimited source of...
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    Jesussaurus rex

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    Skittles Beard commercial owned me :rofl:
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    Mutant Alien Monkey RAPE Clowns

    :rofl: The things I come up with!
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    Married to the sea

    Best website ive seen in a while.... Check it out every day for Comedy goodness.
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    Office Space'esq movies?

    Im looking for Movies with a similar feel to Office Space. 40 Year old Virgin reminded me alot of Office Space cause of some of the parts in the Store they all worked in.
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    True Fact of the day:

    The phrase "LOL" was used back in the 17 HUNERTS, but It ment: "Ladies Ollways Lactate"... LOL
  15. A

    Need Brian Peppers YTMND....

    I CANT find it and yes a searched here and YTMND's site. Its the one gif of the asian chick smiling, and BP is hopping up in the background. Much <3 to who finds it first :)
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    [SPOILER] [[AMAZING RACE] I know ExFUCKINGactly what will happen

    O.K. You ready?..... Here is EXACT-FUCKING-LY how everything goes: 1. They will hop in a taxi 2. They will get on a plane Repeate steps 1 & 2 FOUR HUNERT TIEMS, and you FUCKING HAVE A FUCKING HIT SHOEW STOP WATCHING THESE FUCKING SHOWS SO THEY WILL BE CANCELED
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    What the hell? (OTC Meds) Quesiton () ""

    Cliffs: I Take an OTC Medicine like Benadryl (Something with a Sleep aid in it) It will effect me for almost a WEEK (Make me REALLY Sleepy) Usually After I eat or Drink something, It kicks in like I took it 15 minutes ago, even though it was 4/5 days ago I Took it. WTH?
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    Holy Shit!

  19. A

    Refrigerating a PC?

    First off, I am NOT an over-clocker. But im always thinking of ways to make my PC run cooler and more efficiantly. I have one of those In-Vehicle Refrigerators you can get at wallyworld for 40 bucks that Cool to 40F and heat too 122F. Whats stoping me from taking it apart and sticking the...