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    Aint nothing goin' on

    trAHpeIDL18 Why is this shit on trains moving through the US? Do we make these here? And why are they not tan color if they are for the desert? Thoughts on this?
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    Cops light up suspect with crow bar. Too much force?

    Didnt see any other threads about this. California Man Shot and Killed by Cops Outside Carl’s Jr. | Video | bY5ioBvrYIg
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    Military Exercises in Down Town LA

    LA Military Exercises | KFI NEWS - KFI AM 640 More Stimulating Talk Radio Pay no attention to this tho, all this is just crazy talk from the extreme right. This stuff will never happen under the watch of peace loving democrat.
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    Hows the race for Anthony Weiners old seat going?

    Lets see here... Democrats Fear New York, Nevada Losses - Jessica Taylor - Turner surges ahead of Weprin in race for Weiner seat - Democrats out number republicans 3-1 in NY Remember the liberals want you to believe that they are not satisfied with Obama...
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    Tree Of Life Review...Interesting

    So how many of you are going to go see this? I dont know what to make of it. Trailer WXRYA1dxP_0 The Tree of Life Review: Pretension Rising - : Pop-Culture Reviews From People Like You And so it continues. It seems my relationship with the films of director...
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    Tree Of Life Review...Interesting

    So how many of you are going to go see this? I dont know what to make of it. Trailer WXRYA1dxP_0 And so it continues. It seems my relationship with the films of director Terrence Malick will never be a harmonious one...
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    [Smart People] Check out this blind guy who likes video games

    What can you say to this? 23JgGAmCGVU AnNp1uc-NFU nmmqarQRSSE
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    Who knows what kind of car this is...

    at the 3:00 mark GwWCYEZJEks love that car
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    Why do the Democrats hate the working man? this shows how the democrats are racist and stand with big companies to crush the working families in america
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    [ofn] This is what I feel like doing when I get behind bicyclists

    didnt check to see if it was already on here 9oOL6fMvhww gY1sY8UDwjs
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    Why was brakums rep thread locked?

    I posted in that thread and like 30 seconds later it was locked. Who locked that?
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    [Check this out] Alternative Fuels

    I dont know if this has been posted on here. So could something like this really be an option? With polluted waters sources could we really use something like this as alternative fuel source? -ceOL83PM24
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    I need some advice for building a computer

    I have never built a computer or thought of building one but after having to deal with the retailers this time around I thought I would look into it. After pricing it out it looks like its gonna be more expensive to build one than just buying something like a gateway. Am I missing something...
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    [Bill Maddox] Eric Johnson drummer shot and killed

    qPD8SSHTyjc Thought it might be interesiting to some of the people who play on here
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    If you see something, say something.

    Aer you kidding me? This is the shit the Germans did. Have the population report each other to the authorities. DRUDGE: BIG SIS INVADES WAL-MART:  'IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING'
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    [Drudge] Interesting Video Reguarding Recording Cops

    Dont know if this has been posted on here before. Interesting all the same. tE8Xom38Rd8
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    Congressman assaults college kid on the street

    This is what happens when politicians get to much power. v60oNUoHBYM
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    Ralph Macchio - Wax On, Fuck Off

    Pretty Funny hlBoG4ZDv7A
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    For Sharpshooter

    6aTUlIfuKjI Logan and Noah Miller, authors of Either You?re In Or You?re In the Way Written, directed and acted in by Noah and Logan Miller They had no degrees in film, no money and no contacts and still made a movie
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    What happened in here?
