Search results

  1. F

    Meet the Pyro

  2. F

    MANDARB! found a creature that needs identification

    Found this lil fucker on my pool deck, mimicking a rattle snake, but no rattle pigmy rattler? Baby Rattler? no idea
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    True Grit?

    anyone see it yet? need some tw movie reviews
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  5. F

    Broke my arm last night :(

    playing hockey :( broke my left humerus mid shaft. hurts like a mother fucker. Anyone else here ever break a humerus? How long does the freaky nerve damage to your hand last?
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    Question for TW hockey players

    Been playing w/ out a cage since i was 18, but had a close call the other night and took stick on the eyebrow. So i'm gonna try a visor again. The reason i stopped using one in the first place was it was fogging over. Does that no fog spray actually work? or is there an alternative?
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    [TF2] Meet the Scout

    maybe ofn, havent checked past page 3
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    I delivered a Baby today....

    during a clinical for school. vagina's are now nasty to me :(
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    Meet the Demoman

  10. F

    [Team Fortress 2] Trailer

    lol i love the art direction. Looks like it may be entertaining direct link is busted :(
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    Thinking about playing

    whats the combat like? the web site wasnt too...discriptive.
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    Todays Maint. ?

    Is blizz just doing the regular tuesday drill? or Are the BGs going live today?
  13. F

    Just won my first roll on an Epic weapon.... Procs: Curse of Shahram : AE Slow Enemies Might of Shahram : AE Stun Enemies (~5 sec) Fist of Shahram : Group Haste - 25% (~8 sec) Blessing of Shahram : Group restore life/mana (20 sec) Will of Shahram : Self +50 all stats (20 sec) Flames of Shahram ...
  14. F

    WoW Locking up....

    since the patch, Sat?, WoW has been locking up like crazy for me. I have upgraded my drivers, uninstalled/reinstalled, scandisced, defragged(as per blizzards tech support) and it still locks When it locks though, i hear this bzt sound from my PC, then the game locks, and goes into...
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    Goon Squad - Mal'Ganis

    i know some TeeDubs are in the goon squad, and i just gotta say, Hats Off, fighting for the Tram was fucking Epic. Even if i was fighting against you. was fun as Shit.
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    Any direct links to the patch, cause their bitottent fucking sucks, Says i have DLLed 20mbs of a 19mb patch....and is still uploading....
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    damn, after 21....

    i turned 24 today, hey old guys, any other bdays to look forward too, or was 21 it? at least my first present is Kerry's consession...
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    Oct 5th?

    ok is this the ship date, or the date it actually hits the shelfs? i'm too lazy to search, and my vet^4 status makes that ok ;)
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    Random Disconnect?

    anyone else having "Connection Lost: Rejected from server" issues? Happens to me maybe every 15 -20 mins into a map. Could it be an issue w/ my wireless netowrk? :(
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    TW Ladder/League thingy

    thought i remembered Yogi or Colossus mentioning that after (or was it at) TWars they'd be releasing more info about TWs ladder/League. am i incorrect?