Search results

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    Patch 1.0.2 and community effort

    In the off chance that anyone here cares but missed it. Dev Log #24 Midair
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    voip host and game servers

    who has the best prices? does branzone still offer a discount?
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    Trip to Boston

    So the wife and I are planning a trip to Boston in September, neither of us have stayed in Boston before and I am seeking advice on where to stay. Safety and ease of access is important since we will be mostly doing sight seeing, any advice would be appreciated, thanks.
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    Your friday night beer menu (for beer snobs

    Tonight I will be starting with Saison Dupont. Trying Elysians Bete Blanche Tripel for the first time after that. And I will be closing with a Delerium Nocturnum. Besides these I have a fridge full of Hazed and Confused, Bells Old Style Ale, DFH 90's, and some Miller Light for my less...
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    Internet, Tv, and ethics

    I haven't had cable or internet at my place for several months now, my wife has decided that she wants cable/tv of some sort to watch, and so I have been shopping around, my options are Comcast, Direct TV, Verizon, and Dish Network, all of which seem to be crap shoots with bait and switch "pay...
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    Dragon Age 2

    Anyone been following the shit storm about this game since it's release?
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    GPU/mobo problem, help

    When I start my computer any boot screens with DOS are fine but any logo that comes up while loading (windows, ASUS, etc), will have vertical blue lines running through them, then after the windows logo my computer will freeze and my monitor tells me there is no signal. Boots into safe mode...
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    Need getaway ideas

    So I am currently in a long distance relationship and have been for a year and a half. I am looking to plan a two day get away on short notice with my better half but because of our work schedules it will be difficult for either of us to drive the whole 8 hours to see the other, and neither of...
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    Small Business Owners

    Is it difficult to get one started? Is it difficult to get financial aid to start one? What legal steps do you need to take when starting one? I know nothing about this and am looking for base information and somewhere to start.
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    20 inches of snow, parking problems

    Dear TW, I have a problem with the parking on my street that has only been complicated with having 20 inches of snow fall on Friday and Saturday last week. The road is already pretty packed and with the power out we have lately run into the issue of our neighbors granddaughter (27, 1 child who...
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    dear F*CKING FngrBANG

    Why do you put the asterisk in the vulgarities that you type? As a good faithful Catholic I would think that you would have the brains to realize that the intent to say and use the word is not masked by a simple asterisk and does not forgive you the usage of the word itself. You are fooling...
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    Stop calling internet gaming a sport you fucking faggots. Just because there is competition in a game does not deem it a sport, you fat ass zit covered pieces of shit. Chess is a game, it has competition, but it is NOT a sport. This applies for fucking starcraft and other E-Sensational...
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    Has anyone here had Tetanus? If so, what are some easy to point out symptoms. I have not had a tetanus shot in years and scratched my ankle on a rusty nail, drawing blood but it was not a deep puncture/cut to say the least, I would say it barely broke skin if anything. this happened about a...
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    [HOCKEY]Used Skates

    So, I recently acquired a used pair of Graf Supra 705's for a very good price. Graf Supra 705 White PU Sr. Ice Hockey Skates My question to those of you who have been playing ice hockey much much longer than myself is this: Aside from getting a new insole to mold to my foot, should I get...
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    [NHL]Pens and Bruins

    Anyone watching the game. I can't watch/listen to it tonight and want to know what I'm missing :[
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    [NHL]Pens and Caps

    Ovechkin and Malkin will be at each others throats. If the Pens offensive lines click tonight, Malkin and Crosby play to their potential, Capitals might lose. If the Pens suck tonight, I'm saying Caps 4-1, Ovechkin scores 2 goals this game regardless.
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    [Official]Not watching the debate thread

    I loath both candidates. /thread
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    YouTube - JFK telling us the 911 truth All Americans should be made to memorize this, and students taught to interpret it's meaning in their own words. The warnings were made by many people through the history of our country and it makes me sad to see what is happening to America today.
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    [Hockey] Skates

    I've been playing roller hockey for awhile now, and the local ice rink is going to be opening up soon to public skates and stick time. My question is geared towards ice hockey players. Is it worth the investment to buy skates, or should I just rent? If it is in my interest to buy a pair of...
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    Labor cost on building a PC

    Dear TW, A friend of a friend wants me to build a "high-end" gaming pc for them, included in said package they want a monitor. I have tried to keep the cost of the machine down, and after shipping it will cost around the total of Nine-hundred and Sixty dollars ($966). As I am making selections...