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    FBI raids Nevada ACORN office

    ACORN Vegas Office Raided in Voter Fraud Investigation - Elections Obligatory FOX NEWS LOLOLOL Should be interesting to see the results of this. Correction: This was not the FBI, it was the Nevada State authorities
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    [Movie] Deja Vu

    Just got back, great movie imo. I had no idea what the plot of this movie was before going to the theatre, which means I had very low standards (and maybe made me think it was better then it actually was), but through great acting by Denzel and, surprisingly, Val Kilmer, I felt Tony Scott did a...
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    Any of you guys in beta?

    I guess this can be the beta discussion thread if you're in, seeing as its up now. Wish i had a key. Give us the low down if you did, I'd be interested to get a realistic POV on the stuff, considering most of the stuff on the blizz forums probably won't be brutally honest. edit: didnt see the...
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    Hakkar since patch

    So, a little while ago I left Mal'ganis with some dudes, and we started up on Azshara. We finally got enough 60's to run ZG last week. About 10 or so of our 20 hadn't ahd ZG experience, so we had a little trouble on some of the fights, but overall didn't have too much trouble getting to hakkar...
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    [NHL] Welcome back, Patrick Elias

    Patrick Elias is playing in his first game since his bout with Hepititas A, and has an assist ;) Regardless of how you feel about the Devils, its good to see him back and skating.
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    Redskins D Coordinator Williams signs extension

    So fuck you: Kansas City St. Louis Houston Green Bay Detroit New Orleans Minnesota Oakland or any other team thinking they could steal away one of our best coaches.
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    Barret Auto Auction

    If you're in to classic cars, Speed vision has the annual Barret Auto auction on - really some amazing vehicles. Some 1970 Hemi Cuda just sold for 305,000 bucks really crazy.
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    Trouble with router

    Several probelms here: I just came home from school for break, bringing my computer with me. First off, I can't connect to the internet when I plug my computer directly into the cable modem at my house. It comes up with some sort of stupid "limited or no availability" thing over the network...
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    Baron's mount

    I saw someone with this mount for the first time yesterday on my server (Mal'Ganis) on alliance. Pretty awesome looking Has anyone got this thing? Isn't the drop rate like <1%? sorry no SS's =o guys name is Aladin if any alliance on Mal'Ganis know him.
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    Blankemail, how 'bout them Panthers??!

    HAHaqhAhAHAHAHHahAHAHahAH AHahhahahahaha AHAHAHHAAHAH 15-1 LROFLOMAMOROFL Great game rofl
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    [New] Disturbed CD - Ten Thousand Fists

    Released yesterday or Monday, at least on I-Tunes. Been waiting for this for a while, I really like it. They address politics a lot more then they have in either of their two previous CD's. I really enjoy it though. I'm no great music critic though, so I'm not going to go into some...
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    Redskins bench Ramsey After 3 turnovers on 3 possession, I can hardly blame Gibbs. I think the Cowboys would have rather had Ramsey - who folds under the slightest pressure - at QB instead of Brunell. Will be interesting to see if...
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    Reason #2949 why dumb cunts shouldn't drive

    First off, not a parody, the other thread just reminded me of an incident down at the mustang convention in myrtle beach last week. So, my brother and I are going to the mustang convention meet and greet, which is at Hooters in North Myrtle Beach, right next to colonial beach mall. We're...
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    ATTN: Bodom

    Stop ganking afk's at the griffon point outside of Gadgetzan. I was taking a piss :( Thanks. (First time i've seen you since I've been on Mal'Ganis ;) ) btw: :wave:
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    Haha, nice penis, fag [NWS]

    Some websites need to learn to double check their pictures prior to posting on the interweb. NWS, duh. new link: apparently UW link is dead: :rolleyes:
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    So, I just saw Constantine

    Overall, not a bad movie Action was fine, acting was bearable, plot was somewhat lacking, but I haven't read the comic or whatever so I can't say how accurately it follows the story. Best aspect was the humor they put into the script, they didn't take the super-serious route, and the crowd was...
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    [Breaking] Frozen Squirrel [Pics]

    So, my brother attends West Point Military Academy, which is just off the Hudson in NY. Needless to say they were part of that nice blizzard that went through the NE area. After 16" of snow saturday night "Rocky" was found outside of one of the buildings. btw: that fag is not my brother.
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    [Help] IM Floor Hockey team name

    So, I'm signing up my team for IM floor hockey, and I need a name. Any sarcastic/witty names are appreciated.
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    Colin Farrel as the next 007?,2933,137321,00.html I think he'd do a pretty good job. Edit: yeah, Farrell, my mistake.
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    Klipsch 5.1 Ultra Problem

    My Klipsch Pro Media 5.1 worked great until I updated to XP SP 2. Now I only get music our of my front 2 speakers. However, 5.1 games like Doom 3 work fine. I tried reinstalling the sound card driver (sound blaster audigy 2 zs) but still doesn't work right. Anyone have any idea wtf else I should...