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  1. S

    ATTN: 5150 Member w/ gray Honda Civic

    I was leaving my friends house this morning which is in spring valley [San Diego]. As I am driving on this foggy Thursday morning I come up to a light, in front of me I see a gray Honda Civic with an interesting license plate holder, the holder reads 5150 - Let the ass kickin begin", of course I...
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    Political Science Class[Bush planned 9/11]

    This semester I am taking a poli sci class at sdsu, I was surprised to see how liberal my prof is. On the first day he made it known how liberal he was and how much official work he had done with the democratic party, I had no problem with that. In the same day he starts bashing bush left and...
  3. S

    [Tribalwar Stats] 92.385% of TW'ers...

    haven't had pussy since it was wrapped around their heads. 84% of the orginal 92.385% have high standards and will never truly find happiness because of their false perception of women given to them by the wonders of airbrushing. Stats provided by Matthew Dewald The following message has been...
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    T:V Huge problem badmofo couldnt cap a flag in T1 or T2 so I hope this bug that allowed him to cap in T:V is fixed soon.
  5. S

    GoD-Chry vs SMURFHATER

    Who can steal the most TV's?
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    Boobs [What a rack!!]

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    I love you guys

    *e-hug* :sunny:
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    Where is Mav?

    When does he get unbanned? :huh:
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    Britney Spears [NWS-revealing photos]
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    You can't fight the future...

    This message has been paid for by the friends & supporters of BadMoFo. Admin in 2004/2005
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    The Truth About NAKFP [Shocking News]

    I stumbled on this site and I can only say... wow :o The Truth About NAKFP
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    What happened to Goaks?

  13. S Question

    I installed the patch and I was playing on a server that required lasthope but I still had my custom flags. How do we know last hope is actually working against happyflag? How can it block happyflag but still let me have my custom flags?
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    Rest of series plz [Pic]

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    Tribalwar Tradition [Ban Poll]

    This subject has come up many times in various threads, I think it's time we have another TribalWar Ban Poll. I say we nominate a few candidates and get this thing going... I am willing to nominate myself banishment just to see another ban poll. In the past we have seen names like Icey &...
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    Post your Top 3 Fav Fast Food restaurants

    Listen fatass if you came here to post your Top 3 fav fast food places I am worried about you. All that shit you are eating isn't good for you and will end up fucking your body over in the long run. I want you to stop eating so much fast food and change your diet a little bit, you can have great...
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    Faggotry has been MAXXed out
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    [NWS] Wild Things Unrated Pool Scene

    Preview - edit - bandwidth limit exceeded. link down, gg's.
  19. S

    fuck you Dyno!!

    :fu: :grimreape
  20. S

    [Official] Apprentice Finale Thread (Predictions Welcome)

    Omarosa makes Kwame lose... or does she? Honestly I think Kwame should have fired her after the last episode. Kwame is a little too laid back right now. Is Jessica Simpson "missing" just a test? :shrug: If Bill doesn't panic he has a good chance of winning this. Amy and Nick didn't look too...