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    Another cop shoots and kills a dangerous criminal

    Houston officer kills double amputee in wheelchair - Yahoo! News :picard: it's getting to the point where I'm thinking we need to disarm our cops for awhile to keep them from being such complete trigger happy fuckups maybe if they're only walking around carrying clubs they wouldn't be so...
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    yahoo news is the onion today

    School asks deaf preschooler to change his sign language name | The Lookout - Yahoo! News Wells Fargo Fires Iowa Worker for Minor 1963 Crime - Yahoo! Finance 'Hitler' clothing store stirs anger in India - Yahoo! News is this real life
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    tribes 1 talk t1t 4 short pronounce tit like the breast gg t1t
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    pls help computer advise

    some1 send me this file it has this icon & say "backstreet boy - larger than life.mp3" i want 2 listen 2 song but i am hear many clever hacker f00l ppl w/ fake song then take over ur computer & cause meltdown well i want 2 know should i click this??? thank u 4 reading god bles u & ur tribe
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    caelum got banned

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    why was dare band

    why is dare band? idk exactly but i believe he was band fighting 4 our freedom freedom of tribe talk 2 assemble & speak our chosen dialect ryan brand him a criminal 4 his heroic action we remember him here itt He was such an hero, to take it all away. We miss him so, That you should know...
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    [OFFICIAL] New Years Good Luck Thread

    good luck
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    ixMVuOslebI The guy who rolls out the side like he's about to drive off a cliff is fucking priceless :rofl:
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    Woman burned alive in elevator

    Woman set afire in elevator of her NYC building - Yahoo! News She just wanted to go up, but she went down in flames. At least she went out with a blaze of glory, I guess. She was expecting to get fired, but not like this.
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    y u guy piss of ryan

    opsayo is ban (RIP) & many other lover of tribe on ryan shit list i warn u all do no mess w/ ryan d00d is powerful & can kill tribe talk forum ez pls follow all forum rule & golden rule i do no want TT 2 disappear ty :heart:
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    tribe server 1.11 vs 1.30/1.40

    i just play awhile on US base which is 1.11 server and it feel very different than TT/community/arena server. tribe feel much more crisp and responsive which is way i remember it alway feeling b4. ever since i come back 2 tribe 1.40 i notice something feel off w/ my tribe client. i think mb...
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    Fatherhood leads to a drop in testosterone I thought this was rather interesting and raises some questions. The article tries to spin the findings as suggesting that this is an entirely natural evolutionary adaptation to promote male child-rearing. That seems a...
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    LinkedIn IPO - dot com bubble 2.0?

    LinkedIn Soars in Debut - Yahoo! Finance A company that made $15 million last year and which is actually projected to lose money this year is valued at $8 billion. What the fuck? This IPO is, in a nutshell, the reason the U.S. economy is a fucking disaster, and will continue to be so for the...
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    Today in hypocrisy: Adm. Mike Mullen

    Soldier in WikiLeaks video case transferred to US - Yahoo! News I about fell out of my chair when I read this. I think we're officially through the looking glass when the supreme commander of the U.S. military can accuse someone else, with a straight face, of having blood on his hands. Admiral...
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    gg California

    Residents warn of recall if council members remain - Yahoo! News How the fuck do you justify pulling down $800k a year for running a town of 40,000? As much as people bitch about Congress and the President, local government is almost universally more corrupt, inept and wasteful. If this...
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    [HION] Ribery's Hooker

    Franck Ribery held by police over under-age prostitution ring | Mail Online Read the full post to understand the HION. Ugly as fuck French soccer player Franck Ribery has been charged with boning an underaged prostitute, Zahia Daher. But it's not exactly fair to call him a kiddie diddler...
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    Uh oh better roll those pants up brolies

    The Art of the Pants Roll I can't figure out if this is a serious fashion trend or a bit of real life ironic trolling. Seriously, where the fuck do you go wearing a tank top, rolled up skinny faggot pants and dress shoes? Has anyone in NYC (or any other urban trendy hipster enclave) actually...
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    <--------- here. And three days early, it seems. :bigthumb: Rayn Anyone else still here from day one? A fucking DECADE ago, Christ. I don't think anyone would have believed this place would still be around after 10 years back in the day. :lol:
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    Stevie Wonder named UN Messenger of Peace

    Stevie Wonder named UN Messenger of Peace - Yahoo! News Bet he didn't see that coming.