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  1. L

    [politics] Islamic Terrorism

    Here is the cause of the problem, the solution, and a solid good reason why Liberals need to stfu about the war. The Problem: "It has been reported from Sulaiman b. Buraid through his father that when the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) appointed anyone as leader of an army or...
  2. L

    Radeon 9700 Pro Texture Problems

    In games such as EQ and UT2003 I've been finding patches of shimmering squares on certain textures. They aren't actually a part of the textures though, because when I move they sometimes disappear, like a mirage. They aren't on every texture either. So in some places everything is fine. In EQ...
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    Pentium Motherboards

    I want to get myself a new pentium setup, but I don't know what motherboard I should get. What motherboards are compatible with pc 1066 RDram? What brand is best? What is the best chipset?
  4. L

    Pentium Motherboards

    I want to get myself a new pentium setup, but I don't know what motherboard I should get. What motherboards are compatible with pc 1066 RDram? What brand is best? What is the best chipset?
  5. L

    TW Registration?

    Why is it closed?