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  1. °

    Another Dubai thread

    I going to Dubai next weekend, from India, what should I do besides beat slaves and drive a poop truck?
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    Schools out for Summer....

    not quite forever, couple more years. iQkU6fHP0fM
  3. °

    Jerry Sloan resigns as Jazz head coach

    just heard driving home Jerry Sloan Resigns From Utah Jazz -- NBA FanHouse
  4. °

    }6 Over-times} and still going...

    uconn is down 7 with less than a minute left
  5. °

    Guy tries buying cheeseburgers with weed [ofn?]

    Cops: Man tries to pay for meal with pot - Criminal weirdness - and someone called the cops on him, i would've assumed that all fast food workers smoked pot anyway :shrug:
  6. °

    ]St. Patricks Day[ going to get some green beer

    and might have some corned beef hash tonight also we'll have to see
  7. °


    puking and shittin sucks :(
  8. °

    So i got a free case of beer tonight

    so i was having a smoke break during work tonight when the beer guy was unloading some kegs. after i helped the guy load a few empty kegs into his truck then jokeingly asked him if he had any extra beer, he threw me a 24 pack of bud light i <3 free beer:)
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    °°World Cup futbol°° Panama vs. USA

    °°World Cup futbol°° Panama vs. USA so who else is going to Foxboro tonight hopefully we'll see a good game, though it's going to be cold as hell :as
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    [Season 2] Da Ali G show [is out]

    though i havent picked it up yet
  11. °

    }{World Cup Qualifier}{ who else was at the game last night?

    USA vs. Trinidad & Tobago it was a great game, we should have had about 5 scores, but an awesome game nonetheless
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    CPU constantly at or near capacity

    a few days ago my comp started running really slow, when i ctrl-alt-delete, it says the cpu is running at 80%-100%, i've ran all my spy sweeping programs but it still runs slow as hell any suggestions to what may be happening?
  13. °

    So i just broke my bong slide..........

    fucking *#^!% I was so mad, i took the pices and threw them into the woods.
  14. °

    The Schwab was just stumped

    and he cried like a bitch with a skint knee serves that pompous asshole right
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    °°°°°°°°°Obligatory 4.20°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°

    °°°°°°°°°Obligatory 4.20°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° guess im homosexual now :(
  16. °

    [New England] Here Comes The Snow [[[[[Again!!]]]]]

    Im sick of the fucking snow
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    [NCAA] WV over Wake

    them hicks can play done well
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    There's no dark side of the moon really...

    it's all dark
  19. °

    So Ashley Simpson is on Half-Time

    i wonder if they time the track right this time :shrug: