Search results

  1. Z

    Midair - next gen?

    is Midair the holy grail next gen tribes? Better than T:A?
  2. Z

    [NSFW] Where is she now?

  3. Z

    [sick of] "My Pillow" commercials

    This idiot is clearing making a fortune off selling over-priced pillows. He would have you believe the pillows cure cancer, promote peace and prosperity and improve your sex life. He is on every major news network, radio station and hell I even got an ad on Pandora today. W T F! I REFUSE TO...
  4. Z

    Best Fantasy Football resource(s)?

    Looking for a good FF magazine to study up on for the draft this year. Any recommendations? I've read the "football guys" forums one year. I let yahoo pick my league another..both times I got crushed. WTF is everyone using? What's the best?
  5. Z

    [video rental] Rambo

    Just picked up Rambo movie as everything else that looked interesting was gone. Worth the watch?
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    Starts tomorrow. :boogie: :boogie: :boogie: :boogie: :boogie: :boogie: :boogie:
  7. Z

    [ebay] KISS car, only 100K

    ...get it before someone else does.
  8. Z

    [video] Dead whale, seismic testing & botany Hadn't seen the video before, I guess the event actually took place some years back.
  9. Z

    Good Wiki software?

    Haven't looked into it too much. Free is preferred but if a commercial solution exists and has an edge over freebie versions, could consider that too.
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    [Tribes] Make a Tribes game in 20 minutes
  11. Z

    Wifi speed spray

    Improve wireless connection instantly, painlessly.
  12. Z

    WWII chat transcript - vgrd

    Got it via email, prolly OFN :shrug: If World War Two had been an online Real Ttime Strategy game, the chat room traffic would have gone something like this. *Hitler[AoE] has joined the game.* *Eisenhower has joined the game.* *paTTon has joined the game.* *Churchill has joined the game.*...
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    [BREAKING!!!] VUG Announces closed beta for T:V²!!

    [BREAKING!!!] VUG Announces closed beta for T:V²!! April fools.
  14. Z

    Decent wireless media player?

    Looking to get a mid-priced wireless media player. The Sonos ( looks pretty hawt, but I'm not ready to drop a grand++. Netgear's MP101 ( is cheap, but looks pretty boney (no display on the remote e.g). Anything decent...
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    Babysitters to avoid....
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    [Yahoo mail] If you want an invite, PM me

    -10 for parody, sorry.
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    Guys, Guys Guys...

    This thread is going nowhere, go away faggits.
  18. Z

    T:V Beta server host?

    Does anyone know of some place or someone that would be willing to host a private beta server? Would like to try out some random things with mah clanmates and such, but we don't have ready-access to a host. Thoughts, suggestions would be appreciated. Kthx.
  19. Z

    I just had sex with my garden hose, it was great.

    Not really.