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    Jetpacks ruined skiing

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    [pic] Behold! The most expensive photograph ever taken!

    $3.34 million can get you this masterpiece:
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    Rich asshole hits cyclist and flees, charges reduced to save his job

    DA Hurlbert won't press felony charges against hit-and-run driver because it might affect his job | People like this make me wish hell existed.
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    You are now breathing manually.

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    wtf isp :[
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    [Halp] PC dide. Need to build new one.

    But I have not been following current technology. Old system was AGP, P4 3.2 ghz, an x800, and 1gb ram if it gives you any idea how out of date I am. I'm thinking a budget of around $1200 would net a solid PC but am open to feedback on that. I'll be keeping the case, hard drives, 17" monitor...
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    Earthquake in Chicago Area?

    Really brief if it was one. Everyone's outside right now going wtf in my neighborhood.
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    [Trance] Recommend some similar songs

    Have a late night road trip coming up and am looking to get a solid block of stuff similar to these two: Z8yhCQRbtX8 amGTPc8Rc0s
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    Recommend a documentary to watch

    So I have some free time this weekend and am in the mood for a good documentary to watch. I know this thread was posted a while back but I searched and couldn't find it. "Restrepo" isn't showing anywhere near me so I'm SOL on that one. :[
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    NCAA throws out Memphis' 38 win season

    NCAA throws out Memphis' 38-win season and title game appearance because of ineligible player -- Bloops.
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    [Ambient] Benn Jordan - A Pale Blue Dot

    If you're into ambient stuff this album is simply awesome. It literally could serve as a sleep mix by itself it's so relaxing. I'm kind of new to this genre and would love some similar stuff if you have any recommendations. Samples: Benn Jordan - Looking Upwards - Free MP3 Stream on IMEEM...
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    Recommend me a router

    My netgear is finally kicking the can. Wireless drops intermittently and it collects an IP address when it feels like it. Problem is I can't seem to find a router model out there that isn't ridiculously priced or has a forum dedicated to how it is the spawn of satan. Halp?
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    Aussie boy breaks into zoo, feeds animals to croc

    Aussie boy breaks into zoo, feeds animals to croc -- I don't know whether to laugh or wait for the interstate murder spree.
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    The Simpsons: Worst Episode Ever

    Was browsing hulu and I stumbled across this: Hulu - That '90s Show: The Simpsons It's horrible on so many different levels. :ugh:
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    Internet Intervention

    Searched bitches: Internet Intervention: MySpace Finally Gives up on The Internet (Video) |
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    A-Rod makes more this year than the entire Marlins team

    ESPN - Report: A-Rod the big fish, earns more than all of Marlins team - MLB Kind of puts things in perspective. I knew A-Rod was making a crapload and the Marlins payroll was low but damn...
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    [youtube] Awareness Test

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    T2 Masters down for good in April?

    Not sure how valid this is but some guy mentioned it in an arena pub the other day claiming Sierra told him. Anyone else hear anything about this?
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    Syracuse at Villanova

    On ESPN. 4 minutes in and 9 turnovers already. This game is hilarious.
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    Weird weapon switching

    In T2 if I press: - left shift (activate pack) - w (forward) - a (left) or d (right) at the same time it scrolls my weapon. It really screws with shielding. Anyone know what's happening here or how to fix it?