Search results

  1. T

    New Computer help!

    So i am looking for a new Desktop. I already have keyboard/mouse and monitor. My budget is $300-400$. Please help me tw find a new computer thanks. Edit: I am not trying to break any fps records i just need something i can add a video card to and still play old games.
  2. T

    Gamemaster for life Paul Oakenfold is the shit Embracing the goddess energy within yourselves.. will bring all of you to a new understanding and value of life. A vision that inspires you to live and love on planet earth. Like a priceless jewel.. buried in dark layers of...
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    Laptop advice

    Whats a good laptop for around 500-650? I need it for school so i want it fast so i can multi-task internet type papers listen to music all at the same time. Any suggestions?
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    What are some good jeans to buy?

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    If you were going to buy a car what would you buy?

    I wanna sell my truck and get a car but i dunno what i want. Thinking of a BMW or Nissan. What are your suggestions? Edit: post some pictures :D
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    Beer bong/Funnel

    Whats the most beer you have drank out of one of these and how many does it take until you throw up?
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    So i was working today....

    I cut lawns its not a bad job anyways i was in a bad side of town and i keep a lock on my stick edgers and hedge trimmers weed eaters ext. well forgot to lock it. I was in the back yard mowing for about a good 15-20 minutes came out front put my lawn mower up and get in the truck. I look back...
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    favorite pink floyd cd?

    Mine in order are: 1975 Wish you were here 1973 The Dark Side of the Moon 1979 The Wall Favorite songs have to be: Welcome to machine, wish you were here and Brain Damage
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    Butt chafing

    So i woke up this morning throwing up and shitting toke about 6 dumps/diarrhea and went off to get my truck fixed. Did alot of walking now my ass burns and hurts like a mother fucker what do you do for your chafing ass?
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    Zombies Sig!!!

    Can i have a link to that Movie in Zombies sig please!
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    How long does it take weed to get out of your system?

    i need to know stat and whats a way to make it get out faster?
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    this is "the bear"'s girlfriend

    i want to make a tw account!! he won't let me. dangittt. :disgust:
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    [SO] I am in my room with my g/f all alone what should i do?

    Help i need ideas.
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    Weight loss.

    I am 6'1 215 i am in the middle to high teens in body fat. I am gonna try to lose about 10-15 lbs of fat thats my frist goal and no i am not talking about losing just 15 lbs off the scale 15 lbs of fat.
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    600 Nitro Express Hand Gun [Vid]

    Guy makes Elephant gun into hand gun was made to never be shot guy bugs him to shoot it and he finaly lets him shoot it.
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    Rap Music Saw Theme Song.

    Saw Theme song with a rapper shits pretty tight. Hit Play
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    New Hooded Sweatshirts.

    Who has some cool ones i grew out of my old one sence 8th grade it was gap.
  18. T

    Help with song.

    So i am listening to the radio and hear this song all i can remember is this guy talking about a girl and he is saying all he wants to be with her and she is with other guys and that she is just another notch in thier belt for doing this please help.
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    Underage Drinking

    When you were underage who bought you beer? My mom and dad buy me alcoholic beverages. Kura and Reggs:Cause i am country like that if you got a problem come down to Georgia and ill round house kick your head off.
  20. T

    Today is my birthday.

    I gave myself a present and got my truck leveled out and this morning woke up to find an ex g/f here with a big ass chochlate ice cream cake so everything is going well.