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    [New CNC who dis] Anyone use one consistently?

    I just purchased a new 1000mmx1000mm x-carve from inventables and it was fucking amazingly fun to put together. Would love to see who else is into this and what kind of things you make. Garage is messy, still turning it into the wood shop.
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    [Newest adventure] Any of you dudes want some neon signs

    My newest little side thing is making custom neon signs with LEDs instead of neon tubes, it lasts longer, quieter, and way lighter. I also install a dimming on/off switch because these are brighter than absolute fuck I use my CNC to cut them out of 1/2" plywood, and inlay the LEDs into the...
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    [Jurassic Park Explorer] You guys ready for another gay thread from me?

    We'll start off with updates from the last project, the Ecto replica. I finished it, took some fancy pictures of it, enjoyed it for a bit, and sold it already. Now on to one of the things I've wanted to own as a kid! The Jurassic Park tour vehicle. I was randomly searching on FB one day and...
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    [ALERT] Steam autumn sale has begun

    You're welcome
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    New Hellboy trailer leaked online today

    I dunno how I feel about this... as a huge fan of guillermo del toro this seems like a waste. The prosthetics don't look great, I don't think his voice matches well with the face, and it looks like a fuck ton of CG instead of practical effects. Streamable - free video publishing
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    What exactly do you do when someone sends you possible urine through USPS

    I bought a used gpu on ebay for mining, it arrived today and everything seemed fine. I make a very small cut into the package and the most goddamn foul odor just explodes out of it. I'd say it smelled like super old pee but had a cheese odor to it, like Parmesan. Take note that I'm opening this...
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    Star Wars world war VIII

    MASS PANIC FROM NERDS. OH MY GOD WHAT IS AMERICA COMING TO Cliff notes: Disney is saying that people in Star Wars costumes can no longer publicly carry blasters.
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    AMURAKUH. CCW thread #53

    So starting tomorrow in Kansas conceal carry is legal without a permit. I'm jumping all over that even though it's terrifying to know every other retard around here will have a gun on them. If you conceal carry, what do you have? What's the most affordable? What kind of holster do you have...
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    [Poop] TW artists

    Hello. I am Osmethae. If you don't know me already, I do artsy fartsy stuff and things. I'm looking to interact with a other TW art duders, specifically anyone that has done a lot of clay sculpting. I've wanted to sculpt with clay for as long as I can remember but always been too intimidated by...
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    Any TWers with first hand 3D printer experience?

    I've been checking them out for a while now but it's just hard to spend that much money on one. Most of us know I'd put it to really good use, but the problem is which ONE. At first I was looking at the makerbot series but they are extremely pricey. Today my dad pointed me to Robo 3D that...
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    [Project number 463 for you guys] Indiana Jones motorcycle replica time!

    As many of you know, I own the BMW R-71 replica that I used for WWII reenacting. Ever since getting hit by someone (car wreck) and damaging my hip, the reenacting is pretty much.. history. So since my motorcycle now sits around doing jack shit, I've decided to convert it into something a little...
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    I HAD SEX THREAD or whatever. Spermicide in urethra

    Well last night I used an ultra thin trojan condom with spermicide and some of it got in my peehole. The most excruciating pain I've ever felt, if it wasn't for it happening immediately after having the condom on at this point I would have guessed I'm trying to pass a kidney stone. I didn't pee...
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    New helmet might be for sale, cast from the ORIGINAL ESB Fett helmet.

    This is too cool, it needed a new thread. No one would ever thought this to be possible, and to everyon's surprise Efx collectibles got the go ahead to make a mold out of the original screen used helmet from ESB. Owner of The Dented Helmet wearing the real one. Video of the molding process, I...
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    Any TWers own a hedgehog?

    ANY TIPS? My girlfriend has always wanted one and today we have the opportunity to get one and we're going for it. It's hard googling for answers because every person out there contradicts the other, so some firsthand TW experience would be nice (BECAUSE I TRUST YOU SO MUCH). Stuff like...
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    [Vermillion weapon systems 2013] GUN THREAD GUNS OBAMA

    I just received my GSG .22lr StG 44 that took me a while to find from a dealer with the amazing crate that it comes in. Unfortunately I literally just got it about 30 minutes ago from the FFL dealer and haven't had a chance to shoot it until tomorrow. But I am exciteeeeeeeeee Full metal...
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    [Supernatural car restoration] Thread edition: ANOTHER ONE OF THESE!?

    Gather around and read the words that I type with my fingers and stare at the pictures that I post. It's the middle of 2012 and time to start another car, yes I know last year I did the same kind of car (1967 Impala SS) but this one will be a TV car. I'm doing every tiny part of this car just...
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    I must bring you fellow Star Wars nerds something amazing.

    In case you missed it, that is. Be sure to like it on FB, when he gets 10,000 likes he's going to show 4 minutes of his ESB. Star Wars: Revisited -The Saga | Facebook ESB and RotJ are being edited from the blu-rays, he finished ANH before those were out. ESB should be done sometime before the...
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    Wichita, KS exploration place has a bunch of Star Wars stuff right now..

    AND I TOTALLY FUCKIN WENT there was a lot of prequel shit but i avoided it all like the plague and went directly to all the original trilogy items, they have all these things up until september so if you get a chance to go definitely make the trip i actually had no IDEA these models were so...
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    no one makes good treads anymore

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    you have been repping me asking me for this picture forever.. but this is only the beginning it's a double win for you because his lipstick is showing too PM NOT NEW THREAD