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  1. C

    my new haircut

    "fuckin sanks" YouTube - My New Haircut don't know if its ofn
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    so im stuck at tech right now...

    in thomas hall. heard the shooting minutes before it hit the news. going to be stuck in here for a while
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    Cisco Clean Access Agent

    My University uses this in order for us to get the campus wifi, only it blocks my FrostWire and Tribes from getting internet access. Does anyone know a way around it?
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    Lord of the Rings Online Stress Test Beta Invite

    Anyone want it? I don't have time to test it here at college, plus our WiFi dorm connection sucks balls. First person to message me gets it.
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    damn i'm feeling old

    cause its my birthday :birthday:
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    Gus Van Sant's "Last Days"

    Has anyone seen it? I'm thinking about renting it.
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    Just Got Owned

    Due to the infinite PM's I've been getting about the 'You Got Owned' skit about deathray on, I've decided to share the secret. For those of you who don't yet know how it works, I'll show you. Just place the name of the person whom you want to get 'owned' in front of...
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    June 6th, 1944

    Just a little reminder to those of you who might have forgotten D-Day, hopefully some of you will take 30 seconds out of your day to honor the fallen.
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    fucking awesome random songs

    What are some good random songs that bands throw out in their albums that are completely random, but fucking awesome. I know Korn used to throw bagpipe songs in some of their older albums, but what I'm really stuck on is Incubus' song Aqueous Transmission. It's simply amazing. Any other bands...
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    Top 3 referenced movies

    Alrighty, I'm not talking about the top three movies of all time, but these are the top three movies that you hear people refering to ALL THE TIME. For me, it's: 1.) Monty Python and the Holy Grail 2.) Fight Club 3.) Boondock Saints Any others? I'm not talking about movies you've heard...
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    LTB: PS2 Hard drive

    Preferably the PS2HDD 40GB (the one that comes with FFXI Online), but others that FIT, WORK, and are FORMATTED, I will consider.
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    House + Bride PIC of the woman:
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    Just what exactly are we signing?

    Yeah, we've all done it. Scroll through the EULA and click 'I accept' so we can get to the install. But, some EULA's are going too far:
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    FSU ?

    Anyone here going to Florida State University? If so, could you PM me? I need to ask a few questions. Thanks, Challenge.
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    [OFFICIAL] Wine thread

    My favorite wine of all time would have to be Chateau Magdelaine's 2000. It's a slightly dry red wine of it's own classification. I bought the 2000 when I was in France touring Chateau Magdelaine. And being French, I have a heart for French wines (especially in Bordeaux). What are you...
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    AOE3 rollcall

    Anyone besides me planning on buying Age of Empires III?
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    Might be OFN, I searched 'Fat Kid', and 'Fat Fairy', but I still think it's Colosus.
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    Heya, I hear you live in Hobart. Well my father just got a job with NCAT I think it is, stationed in Hobart, so I'll be flying down there often to visit him. Do you live anywhere near the NCAT headquarters?
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    oh em gee

    Gas prices = $3.01 here... double-yew tee eff..