Search results

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    [?] DreamHost & mod_rewrite

    mod_rewrite appears to be off by default for DreamHost, and I was just wondering if any of you other Dreamhost guys have/wanted to get mod_rewrite turned on? Did Dreamhost get it done for you, or did you have to re-compile everything yourself via SSH? edit: oh, and the typical addition to my...
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    woot! woot!! woot!!! woot!!!!

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    [IT] Is it worth it to install FrameWork 2.0?

    i mean, shiiiiit to get it installed =/
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    Who shaves with a Straight Razor on tdub?

    1 blade > 5 blades
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    Is this ofn? Mom in Florida is facing charges after man handling a little kid on a bus.
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    [Google] Radio I wasn't aware. Damn those guys are buying into everything. Does that scare any of you stock holders?
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    Nano123 aka Orbital123...
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    Interesting forum i happen to stumble across
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    Good night dub

    :wave: u all suck it hard tonight. shitty threads. btw, if any of you guys are familiar with AJAX, let me know.
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    [Google] PC ?

    If ofn, my bad. I just hadn't seen it on tdub yet, and 'google pc' did not turn up any results.,0,3503327.story
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    [GMail] Remember that plug-in that let you use your GMail..

    as an extended drive on your PC? i couldn't remember wtf it was, so i figure i'd post just in case someone else drew a blank.
  12. S hehe
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    120 seconds between searches?

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    first sale of the year @ 2:30am while whoring tdub and i am now $11 richer :lol: :cheers: to a good year!
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    Any of you guys familiar with Mambo aka Joomla

    how do you like working in the administrator stuff? it seems pretty damn confusing (my first time messing with it) will it grow on me with time, and become easier as far as configuring goes?
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    Can we get a Pussycat Dolls Shrine?

    they're fucking hawt! (and by they, i mean the lead)
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    [Real Estate] Any Realtors on tdub?

    i would like to pick your mind for something i will be working on next month.
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    [DVD] DVD Decrypter Problem..

    I'm having a prob with ripping Cinderella Man. I'm using DVD Decrypter and haven't had a prob with any other dvd (like 20 others). Do you think it's the dvd itself? What other software would you suggest i try?