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  1. K

    Guys I just wanted to tell you

    After all this, I still love you. :sex:
  2. K

    Book binding service?

    I have a few large digital files (PDF, Word, etc) that I would like to create physical copies of. I don't mean A4 prints stapled together or mass printing like staples or fedex does. I want one or two bound, hardcover copies that resemble actual books. I'm even willing to pay decent money...
  3. K

    does somebody know were to download autoaim.cs

    i cant find it and i dont cheat but want to use it agnist bots because i have a hard time i priomse i wont be using it onluine
  4. K

    Are YOU ready for MORE POKEMON?

    AvzAb0gaQ3I&e Out in the JP Sept 23 USA release should not be far behind No, I don't even own a DS
  5. K

    Which Jules Vern book to read first?

    I've never actually read anything by him. What book should I start on? Journey to the Center of the Earth Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea Around the World in Eighty Days Also, how do his other works stand the test of time?
  6. K

    To faggots who think woman can't light campfires

    Remember that for one hundred-thousand years, the fire WAS the kitchen.
  7. K

    [lore] So wait. Are there boy angles or only girl angels?

    I always thought there were both but I overheard something contradictory today.
  8. K

    I have made an excellent discovery and wish to share it with you

    For the past month or so, I have been practicing pee stops. For the uninformed thats when, in the middle of urination, you stop the stream by sheer will. At first it was quite painful. The pressures in the bladder that force pee out in such a powerful stream are not easily tamed. I began making...
  9. K

    Shark boy and Lava girl is on NOW

    They're in the land of milk and cookies.
  10. K

    [So] I've been running a security experiment

    First off, I keep anything important in hardcopy (with backup hardcopys for anything hard to replace). Thus, in the case of a failure or intrusion, nothing of value will be lost. The original question was this: How long without traditional protection (firewall, antispyware, antivirus) can I...
  11. K

    Meduim curd cottage cheese with chives

    Is the best fucking snack known to man. I eat it out of the tub.
  12. K

    [music]I just bought me a set of Bongos

    I got it used and cheep at Daddy's. I am well on my way to becoming a true blue Bongocero.
  13. K

    [So]I’m looking at TV tuner devices\cards

    [So]I’m looking at TV tuner devices\cards AutumnWave - Imagine HDTV on your PC! - OnAir Creator Seems on the money. It supports NTSC and the new HD formats Hardware encoder so you don't strain your megahertz Software includes DVR functionality What does Teedub think?
  14. K

    Gene, Gene made a machine.

    Joe, Joe made it go. Art, Art let a fart And blew the whole damn thing apart. Now, if this all happened 36" over a treadmill that had been, for an infinite time, moving north to south at 80 MPH. How far would the wind from the moveing treadmill blow the machine before it actually touched...
  15. K

    Something just hit my bedroom window!

    Im in bed with my laptop. It made kind of a matalic thud.
  16. K

    [news]New study concludes that humans taste like fish.

    Edit: Link is down...;_ylt=An2k0D53kEPzj_Zj82rGolOyBhIF;_ylu=X3oDMTA5aydmsudwBHNlYwN5bmNhdA-- End of thread...
  17. K

    Nursery rhymes lead children to be dumb.

    Nursery rhymes lead children to making stupid, rash, ill-thought out decisions that ultimately lead to lives of sexual promiscuity, broken marriages, drug-infestation and general unhappiness. In short, nursery rhymes are pivotal to our society unwittingly leading the future generations - our...
  18. K

    Name that riff!

    Ok, the first person to name the song this riff is from gets a cookie. Edit: Fixed E-------------------------------------------| B-------------------------------------------| G-9---9--9/11--9----------------------------| D-9---9--9/11--9--9/11--9-------------------|...
  19. K

    [Dumb][MSpaint]So the first thing I thought of when I saw this was...

    So I just saw an ad for a game called "Shadow of the Colossus - Slay a Mountain" And I instantly thought of this. I suck at MSpaint, go make your own.
  20. K

    Attempted murder?

    Its not like he really killed anybody.