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  1. G

    S2 offhand vs Akil'zons Talonbalde vs Quickening blade of the prince

    I just got all 3 within the last half day....cannot decide which to use for pve/raiding. My mainhand is the s2 main right now...doing hyjal tonight hoping for blade of infamy :O Quickening Blade of the Prince - Item - World of Warcraft Merciless Gladiator's Quickblade - Item - World of...
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    Alligator puppets

    pRxZ-uvyog0 Here comes Gali the Alligator when he arrives, he spreads DEATH eviscerating little birdies and torturing butterflies here comes Gali The Alligator Little bunnies he devours veritable psychopath he will fuck you up
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    DVDs looking grainy/not great on new DVI monitor

    Got a new samsung 22' lcd monitor, dvds dont look that great on it, is this because the dvds resolution doesnt go to 1650x1080? Do i need to lower the resolution of the monitor to watch dvds? Also, I was under the impression that a widescreen dvd would take up the full screen on a widescreen...
  4. G

    Cutting your sandwich

    So, because of the milk thread, I had an urge for pb&j, so i made some, but this time I cut my sandwich into 4 triangles. Well, i know its a placebo, but it made the sandwich taste totally different and feel like a lot more food (It was 2 sandwiches actually, so 8 triangles). Anyways, I dont...
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    New pbf

  6. G

    well shit.

    I just reinstalled this game yesterday...not sure why really, but I did. anyways, running with a druid (never tried it before) I was just wondering what druids normally train in, alchemy? k tnx. hopefully i uninstall this at the end of the month.
  7. G

    my MX1000 is starting to shit on me...

    Guess its about that time to buy a new mouse...mx1000 seems to constantly be losing its reception for a bit, just one too many drops I guess :\ Ah well, I dont really game anymore and I just need a new mouse for my laptop, probably not as big, preferably wireless, comfort is all i care about...
  8. G


    Been in the mood for ales the last month or so trying out new ones... Just got a 6 pack of sierra nevada pale ale. Not bad for 7 bucks but it tastes horrible after the muffin I just ate :O Bad move on my part. Any other ale fans here? What do you usually drink? I just finished off the...
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    meme party

  10. G

    I had a very scary and eye opening experience friday

    I was in the passenger seat. Im going to cut down on riding along with people. edit: the story i wrote on myspace since a couple peopel asked: I was riding along with my fiend Bob and we got T-boned on the passenger side. I was the lucky one that was sitting in the passenger seat. Easily...
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    Commander Crisp

    New PBF comic up today: searched and didnt see it posted so: pretty good one I think :bigthumb:
  12. G

    Audio Books vs Reading

    anyone here listen to audio books? Im thinking of incorpating these into my hobbies (mainly to fall asleep too) as I enjoy reading a lot, and especially reading at night (it gets me sleepy) but then im left with the problem of having to get up to turn off a light (recently fixed with a bedside...
  13. G

    Workout earbuds/phones

    Hey, I just recently bought the Shure e2c earbuds, im very impressed with the sound quality, but Im not sure if I like the way the chord is worn around the ear, or if Im happy with the chord itself... has anyone else used any of the 'higher-end' style canal phones/ear buds? Sony offers some...
  14. G

    Has anyone read the Dragonlance or Legend of Drizzt novels?

    or really anything like those... Im looking to get into a good scifi/fantasy series that would be kinda time consuming, I just dont know where to start or what to pick. One of my friends recommended the dark tower books by King too, meh, i dunno. I just want to get into one that can grasp my...
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    dc hub

    its been a couple of do i get on the tribalwar hub?? ive got dc hub, need to get an login/pass i guess and ip addy
  16. G

    G5, G7, or Copphead?

    i cannot decide for the life of me :[ only thing is though after seeing a G5 in person, it is pretty ugly...i don't like the rustic look, it is however still very comfortable and I like being able to see the sensitivity on the mouse itself... g7 - dont know if i trust wireless yet, however my...
  17. G

    SO, my apartment complex apparently blocks p2p programs...need help

    well, moved into these new apartments, theyre pretty much super nice dorm rooms (live in a college town, only college kids live in these apts, about a mile away from campus) and so far i cant get ares or limewire to connect at all, i tried manually opening the port limewire uses (6346 or...
  18. G

    well its 3 a.m.

    ....and im listening to dirty harry by the this song/cd (demon days) whats everyone else up to?
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    mirra personal servers

    can you swap out the internal HD's on mirra servers and/or can you put on an external hd? i saw a pic of it with USB ports on the front but i didnt see anything that said i could add a bigger hd to it
  20. G

    looking for an aim program....

    i saw it on somebodys desktop screenshot a couple days ago and I cant remember what it was called for the life of had all their names listed and had no 'background' to them. for some reason i think it starts with the letter M? its not: deadaim, trillian, or gaim