Search results

  1. M Mirror?

    Forgive me if it's OFN -- I tried to search. What happened to ? Is there a mirror that I don't know of? (Cause if not, I could throw one up. I don't have the videos tho -- partly cause I assumed they would always be there).
  2. M

    Have you EVER seen an out-of-control alcoholic "recover" to moderate, safe drinking?

    Have you EVER seen an out-of-control alcoholic "recover" to moderate, safe drinking? So the Alcoholics Anonymous process is about swearing off alcohol. Some AA members will stand up and say "I'm Jane Doe, and I'm an alcoholic in recovery for forty years" -- meaning they have been dry forty...
  3. M

    Americans: What is the best Global Phone plan?

    Right now I just have a Verizon domestic plan. But if I happen to be in Europe or Austalia then I would like my cell phone to work there too. It's annoying to get off the plane in e.g. Amsterdam and have to find a kiosk to buy a $150 pay-as-you-go phone. I thought of getting a Blackberry...
  4. M

    Sealy + Serta? WHO sleeps on a MEMORY FOAM mattress? Is it better than SPRINGS/WATER?

    Who sleeps on one of those overpriced memory foam mattresses? Are they better than spring mattresses or water beds?
  5. M

    So what have you PC iTunes users done when Apple tries to get you to install Safari?

    I have just unchecked it for the past two months. It's really pathetic. Who wants to use Apple's shitty browser on a PC?
  6. M

    Is it dumb to drive a sedan with a 5 gallon gas jug in the trunk to extend the range?

    I figure at 28mpg, it could extend the range of my car about 140 miles when traveling across, like, rural northern Canada. Would a 5 gallon gas jug in the trunk be dangerous?
  7. M

    Invar, whoever else -- what happens to fired cops? Do they just apply in a new town?

    Code4's thread got me thinking . . . You see these videos of cops doing obnoxious things . . . and the conclusion always is that the cop gets fired. So what? Can't the cop just apply for a cop job in another town or another state? Is there a national database of fired police officers? To...
  8. M

    Have you ever suspected a neighbor of kid or relationship abuse? What is the line?

    EDIT: Yes, I got "of" and "or" backwards in the title. Kids scream like they are dying all the time . . . and parents shout like they're going to kill them all the time . . . so it can be hard to tell if kids are being abused. Relationship abuse is a bit easier to detect since adults don't...
  9. M

    If you post bail for someone, you pay 10% and then have to pay the rest if they flee?

    Like if someone has, say, $1000 bail and you post 10% for them to get out, then they don't show up in court . . . . you are out the other $900?
  10. M

    CNN: "Competitive Race in PA" -- UK's The Guardian: "Clinton To Win In PA"

    CNN: "Competitive Race in PA" -- UK's The Guardian: "Clinton To Win In PA" CNN says it's a dramatic, tight race. The Guardian has already called it for Clinton. It's a shame I have to cross the Atlantic to get objective news about my country's politics.
  11. M

    Women who just drop "my husband blah blah" / "my boyfriend blah blah" in conversation

    Women who just drop "my husband blah blah" / "my boyfriend blah blah" in conversation . . . for no essential reason other than to signal to you that they aren't available, in case you were thinking of moving in that direction. Even if you weren't thinking about that at all. So annoying.
  12. M

    What IS the difference between White and Wheat bread?

    They both contain wheat. WTF?
  13. M

    Commissioned, enlisted . . . Why does the military have a caste system?

    What does the commissioned / enlisted caste system mean? Can someone with a high enlisted rank become an officer mid-career? Can an officer be demoted to an enlisted rank? I bet more than 50% of the American Public doesn't understand why there are two separate rank scales in each branch. It...
  14. M

    Fuck Fuckity Fuck-Faced Motherfucking Microsoft XP/Vista Shut-Everything-Down Updates

    I run XP Pro as well as Vista Ultimate on different machines. BOTH decide to shut down the system -- including applications with unsaved data -- to perform updates. And if I resist, the "timer" window keeps popping up with the options of "now" or "later," later meaning it pops back up in ten...
  15. M

    Are safe deposit boxes subject to court subponea or police warrant?

    Just curious. E.g. if the police arrest you after you just hid crack in your safe deposit box, can a court subponea or police warrant force you and the bank to disclose the contents of the box?
  16. M

    Do they put crack in cat food?

    Seriously, why do cats like canned cat food so much? Anybody who has had a cat knows that they go crazy for canned food.
  17. M

    Have You EVER Seen A Man Using A Men's Room Baby Changing Station?

    I believe in equality but for real: who has actually seen a man change his baby on these nasty-ass things?
  18. M

    What Is The Hardest Thing You Ever Had To Tell Someone Make Your Life Right?

    And you put off telling them because you think it will either hurt their feelings or cause them to permanently dislike you . . . But you know your life just becomes less and less liveable without some candid communication.
  19. M

    It Just Dawned On Me: Mark Hamill Is A Bad Actor

    I would even say that Hayden Christensen is a better actor.