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    [RANT] itunes

    I hate getting home from work and seeing the need to download another 70mb worth of updates for this shitty software. Why can't it be like everything else that updates only the bits thats change? is there a reason why you need to download the whole thing each and every time? Sorry just got home...
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    Microsoft Word Help

    I'm trying to write a letter, but I must have ticked some stupid option. I write a sentence, and then if I click at the start to add something it overwrites what’s already there. Starting to piss me off, I’ve been using cut and paste to move things around :( Thanks people.
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    McDonald's Simulation I can get to year 2057 before customers stop comming.
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    Why didn't I?

    10th Grade As I sat there in English class, I stared at the girl next to me. She was my so called best friend. I stared at her long, silky hair, and wished she was mine. But she didn't notice me like that, and I knew it. After class, she walked up to me and asked me for the notes she had...
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    Post pics of your house/dorm/apt

    Try and use a decent image host all previous threads have no working pictures. Don't own a digital camera so I only have these pictures of our holiday house taken by a friend a while back. Living/Lounge Bathroom Main Bedroom Dining Table Lounge View of the ocean a short drive away.
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    GoogleTV is coming!

    Google is recruiting people to offer Television services! Here's the source, from Google itself: There's only GoogleOS missing now :P (stolen from forums)
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    299 km/h found it on TB when I was buying games. Looks like a Kawasaki ZX 10R on an Italian Motorway
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    Sweden shuts down atomic reactor Better late than never I guess, although 25 years is quiet a long time.
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    Saturday Night Live Paris Hilton Interview
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    My Parents are porn stars
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    What is your favourite Subway meal?

    Steak and Cheese.
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    Virus Protection and Firewall

    I did a search and all the threads were getting kind of old, I was wondering what is the latest and greatest software to protect my PC(s)? Currently Using McAfee Security Center + Nat hardware firewall.
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    McLaren - Top Gear BBC - Video

    Have a bit of bandwidth left, and this is a very nice car, so i'm sharing it with you, enjoy.
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    URGET: Need Logo - $$ to best.

    Hi guys, as you know I am not the greatest graphics wiz around, so I need some help. I need a logo made similar to the one below only more flashy. It needs to be the same size if not a tad bigger. If it could have the same information on it, it would be great. As you can see the logo is...
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    Lan + Music Possible?

    Hi guys, I'm hosting a lan tomorrow and I need your help. I would like to set up a box connected to a set of speakers, so people can vote for a song and that song gets played though the speakers in the hall? Anyone know of this kinda software, needs to be easy to set up and if possible "free" ;)...
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    Paris Hilton - Full Movie - Links + thoughts

    Both oringinal links are dead. Torrent HTTP - fast PM me with any other links. Or if the...
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    What type of spider is this?

    Just moments ago as I was grabbing a drink I saw it, I dropped my cup and ran down to grab my cat. The following pictures may shock some animal rights people. After a battle that lastest almost 10 minutes my cat (Max) got the little bastard out from behind the cupboard. Max moves in playing...
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    [Image host] down up

    As most of you know had been an image host for TW for quiet some time now. It now has hundreds of images in the achieve and has served a little over 100GB in its 8 months of running. Now it is time to upgrade to a host that can handle all the images...
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    Pics of your setup. 12th Edition

    It's not much of a desk, but its the computer that matters to me anyway. To make things easier for those without a host, whore mine.
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    Ass Picture Gallery + Zip (15.3MB)