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  1. R

    Dear Rayn

    Please permaban me. Ty. :signed:
  2. R

    Dear Reggs.

    Learn how to fucking spell. That is all.
  3. R

    Hi! The media is not left.

    The media thrives on controversy. It is only as left as the republican owners say it can be. That is all.
  4. R

    Reading Rainbow fucking rocks.

  5. R

    311 is a good band.

  6. R

    Tribalwar weighlifters club.

    Ok, who lifts weights on a regular basis more than 4 times a week? I for one do. Where are you guys?
  7. R

    Willing to trade: ps2 for a modded xbox.

    WTT: ps2 for a modded xbox. I am willing to trade my ps2 with a good list of games and 3 controllers for a modded xbox with 2 controllers. I can include all of this: Games: Myst3 Test Drive Silent Hill2 Silent Hill3 Prince of Persia the sands of time Metal Gear solid2 Metal Gear solid3 FFVII...
  8. R

    [news] Man unaware of nail in skull

    Source: Cnews :lol: also, here is a xray of the nail. :o
  9. R

    Cambius needs to be fucking banned.

    Stop spamming that shit gif.
  10. R

    Who else likes silk? (the drink)

    The very vanilla and the chocolate is awesome. It's like ice cream in liquid form. :slurp: If you havn't tried it yet, I suggest you do. :bigthumb:
  11. R

    Why are the fans on Emeril live so retarded?

    Why do they clap whenever Emeril uses any type of alcohol? Do they not realize that the actual alcohol burns off and it just adds flavor?
  12. R

    V8 juice is good.

    Especially the spicy hot. :roller:
  13. R

    [OFN]The full Gta2 intro. awesome movie. Aparently, that guy's name is Claude Speed, and you play as him in gta2 and 3, and he makes a guest showing in gta:sa. Interesting indeed.
  14. R

    I just saw suicide kings.

    Great movie :bigthumb: I suggest anybody who likes movies that keep you guessing to watch this video. The moral of the storry is:
  15. R

    When does xmas break end for you?

    I leave for college again on the 16th, school doesn't start untill the 18th. You?
  16. R

    Bored out of your mind this xmas vacation?

    I am back in Boise and have nothing to do. I am ready to go back up north. Any of you guys ready to just pack up and go back to college?
  17. R

    What are some good workout songs?

    Now that I finally have some weight lifting gloves and a mp3 player, I need some suggestions. Thanks in advance, merry christmas. :)
  18. R

    what should I get my brother? Gta:sa or mgs3?

    So, which one is better in your oppinion?
  19. R

    Metrics > Imperial

    It's true!
  20. R

    What made tribes fun for you?

    Just look at the cliffs for the rest of the story if you are interested in why I made this thread. What made tribes2 (yes, lol, tribes2 player) fun for me was the matches. Many times, they where very close, and I had a lot of fun playing them. I remember the best match I ever played was when...