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    proxy for US?

    I want to access some streaming videos of tv shows off of NBC's website. It says that the videos aren't available in my region (I live in Canada.) Is there anyway I can trick them into thinking I live in states via a proxy or something along those lines. Thanks for whatever help I may get.
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    Quick excel question

    Alright I have this huge excel document that I have to reformat so when I print it off it looks nice. The thing is, a lot of the cells are calculations referencing other cells which means they get fucked up when I move them around. So, how do I set all the cells to just the number values given...
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    So I was taking a piss...

    I just got up to take a piss and then I realized that I needed to blow my nose. I reached behind me grabbed some toilet paper mid-stream and proceded to let loose. In a shocking turn of events as I was blowing my nose I pissed all over the fucking toilet seat. Lesson learned to do not blow...
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    Anyone else reading the Pat Dollard pieces on Hollywood Interupted?

    There was a new update today which I thought was pretty good. He really does a amazing job bringing what is happening in Iraq to light. Its a a unique perspective although he does sometimes go off on tangents but overall it is very interesting. EDIT: NWS pictures of gore...
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    Need New Headphones

    I just broke my pair of sony earbuds and am currently looking for some replacements. I want a pair of in-ear buds with good quality for under 100 bucks. The last pair was solid but couldn't handle the abuse I gave them with all my traveling and general wear and tear. I don't take the best...
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    Garbled Laptop Display

    My laptop dispay in garbled. There are fine green lines running up and done the screen which flicker intermediatly. On a white background they are not noticable. However, anything that has a lot of color that isn't white (movies, etc...) it is really noticeable and annoying...
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    Good Place to Buy cellphone accessories online?

    I need to replace my cell phone charger that I lost for an older phone. I can get it from the dealer for about $50 but I've seen sites that sell a charger that is compatable with my phone for about $10. Are these places reliable at all or is it better to suck it up and just go through the...
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    Its that time of year... Top 10 Albums of 2005

    Alright the year is almost over and that means top 10 lists. Everyone has them so feel free to share (except you metal head fuckfaces). Here is mine: Arcade Fire - Funeral Decemberists - Picaresque Death Cab for Cutie - Plans Sigur Ros - Takk Metric - Live it Out Broken Social Scene - Broken...
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    $250 to spend at amazon... need book suggestions

    Alright I recently recieved $250 to spend at amazon. I want to add to my reading collection. So far I've got A River Runs Through It and A Confedercy of Dunces and a few Chuck Phalaniuk novels in my shopping cart so I've still got a few bucks to spend. I haven't read as many classics as I...
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    Any Engineers on tdub?

    I'm currently about half-way through my first semester at a Canadian university for engineering and am at the moment not enjoying it. I have no desire to do the work or do anything more then pass. I can honestly say I don't enjoy the classes or find any of the material interesting. I was...
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    Well, my old town finally sold.

    I lived in Playas for four years until the smelter was shut down. Its interesting to see what the government is going to do now. Here is the news story. I actually remember the people who they qoute.
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    Friend uses TW for source on essay

    My friend was having troubles thinking of a subject for an arguementive essay. I suggested affirmative action and sent him to one of the threads on tw for some fodder. Well a couple weeks later I see his report and not only does he use tribal war as an example he also qoutes some guy in it. I...
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    Poem by my friend about liberals...

    My friend who happens to be a gun toting, bible thumping, replublican, patriotic american who believes 100% in the government and calls fox news conservative (in other words the perfect american :rolleyes: ) wrote this poem. Oh well.. I've always enjoyed arguing with him.