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  1. K

    Going to see Mannheim Steamroller tonight

    Anyone else seen them?
  2. K

    [ISPs] Someone find me a new one.

    I'm in Houston and currently have SBCGlobal (owned by AT&T) DSL. It's absolutely fucking ridiculous how shitty it is. Every single day for a period of at least an hour, it flickers on and off constantly and is pretty much unusable. It also disconnects me several other times per day for no...
  3. K


    I find all this stuff funny as hell.So some guy owns the shit out of you man he has got to be using hm2.He hides it so good he must be a professional at it right.I find ironic that some of these players who were known in the past to be hackers or cheaters themselves now point the finger at...
  4. K

    Fucking black chicks who won't shut the fuck up during movies

    I thought they were a myth, but I just got back from Zombieland, and the movie was completely ruined by two stupid nigger bitches who wouldn't shut the fuck up. Anytime anything even remotely startling occurred, one of them would scream as loud as she could. For the entire rest of the movie...
  5. K

    Stargate Universe is going to be absolutely terrible

    Does anyone even question this?
  6. K

    [COMP PART] Need some sort of card with MIDI

    I need some sort of PCI card with a MIDI port (preferably 5-pin). I would rather not buy a whole new sound card, since my motherboard sound card is just fine. Some sort of USB adapter would also be acceptable, so long as it's cheap. I would prefer to spend less than $50 on this. If there's no...
  7. K


    This thread contains spoilers for the latest House episode. Wiki: Kal Penn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Source: 'House' exclusive: The shocking story behind last night's big death | House | Ausiello Files |
  8. K

    [WINDOWS] (XP) Feature {maybe?}

    [2:13:33 am] <Kryand> sigh [2:13:49 am] <Kryand> anyone know if there's some sort of windows xp feature that auto-focuses on a window if I move my mouse over it [2:14:11 am] <Kryand> for longer than like half a second [2:15:36 am] <Kryand> actually the optimal feature [2:15:58 am] <Kryand> would...
  9. K

    There is a picture of a vagina in this thread

    If there actually was a picture of a vagina right here, would it be considered an infraction? I mean I did technically warn beforehand, but I didn't actually tag it with "NWS". I was wondering about this earlier today. NWS is such a common term that I'd think people would assume this was a...
  10. K

    [GOW2] Gears of War 2

  11. K

    [TRIBES 2] Small survey for you

    There's something I am curious about. This is directed at people who played Tribes 2 and stuck with it long enough to play Classic and specifically Version2. You don't so much have to have played Version2 as simply been around during the time that it came out and other people played it. The...
  12. K

    [OBAMA] This is not a political thread

    Is he gonna get a Pit Bull or a Rottweiler?
  13. K

    [CAMERA] I need a new one, TW

    What's a good digital camera these days? SD memory card is preferred, and video capability is not necessary.
  14. K

    [MOVIES/TV] Who is the best hero ever?

    Super heroes are not allowed. Unless you really think guys running around in tights who are afraid to kill anyone qualify as being good heroes (and are a faggot). You can pretty much nominate any character in anything ever if you think they are heroic in some way (and badass). And by heroic I...
  15. K

    [IKE] Since I just got home and missed all the other threads

    Houston is fine. Don't listen to the news. They said shit like "downtown houston is in shambles!", "it looks like a warzone!", "utter devastation". Absolute bullshit, I was there the whole time and fucking slept through it. ONE building had a bunch of its lower windows break on ONE side, so...
  16. K

    [PETS] If you leave your dog(s) outside all of the time...

    Fuck you. Asshole neighbors leave their dogs out all day and night and they like to bark at totally random times for no reason. Why the fuck would you even waste the money on a dog for this?
  17. K

    [Official] Stargate Continuum was fucking terrible

    A disgrace to the entire series before it. I can't believe they actually went all the way through making it without ever once realizing that... Not only was the storyline retarded, but it was also horribly executed. I seriously am baffled that they could let the conclusion of such an awesome TV...
  18. K

    [KIDS] A new way to teach them a lesson without child services getting involved

    One of my friends just posted this in a Facebook note. Dunno if it was actually him or if he copied it from somewhere. I also don't care; it's badass either way. PS. This is my first TW thread hi guys how r u?