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    wisdom teeth out 6 hours ago

    fuck my life i am such a fucking wuss gaaaaaarbbble
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    My win/loss and k/d ratios are identical at this moment

    That is pretty fuckin weird. play bf3 with me on xbox i got the ctf addon lets llama cage some noobs
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    In honor of the late Kurayami

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    WW2 Eastern Front Documentaries?

    Looking for something like Ken Burns' "The War" but for the battle on the eastern front. Has anyone seen anything like that? Hoping for some sort of broad scope story of the thing.
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    my fucing ey is broen

    i need a new eyboard
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    Autistic reporter Michael Falk

    The onion news network: NOuqRVFsPKM
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    Hitman: Absolution

    Is it good?
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    Louis CK Hosts SNL Tonight

    May be worth a watch if u all like Louis CK I'm pretty sure a lot of you do.
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    One of the most interesting videos 3 of you will watch

    krMQg4cEuOU David Simon, creator of The Wire, and Wendell Pierce, who played Bunk Moreland and is also a major feature in Treme, talk about many things. Truth in fiction, failing culture, the death of the american dream, blah blah blah. skip straight to 15 minutes or whatever the moderator...
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    feed us fetus fajitas

    hungry and ready to go home goddamn make this day end
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    What have you been banned from TW for?

    I'd wager the majority of posters here have been banned at some point, what were you banned for? I've been banned for 2 terrible parody threads and one good one.
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    Shane Smith - Joe Rogan Experience - Guy who does the VICE documentaries

    Shane Smith is the guy who did that documentary on N.Korea that was posted here a few years ago. One of the most interesting conversations you'll hear and incredibly disturbing, the things he has seen and reported on. Highlights: North Korean slave camps in...
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    [so] My manager at work just said "I looked at the blue website"

    "There are a lot of really random things on there..." WHAT THE FUCK DID SHE SEE?!?!
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    NHL 12

    Game came out yesterday, I'm picking it up today. Most of the reviews I've read seem to indicate its worth getting, and not just for the new rosters. How is TW feeling about it? Anyone purchased this yet?
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    Looks like everyone's favorite sexually frustrated TW member is finally "relieved"

    Looks like everyone's favorite sexually frustrated TW member is finally "relieved" Man Takes Viagra, Wears Sweatpants for TSA Pat Down | The Washington Fancy "Even though TSA officials allowed Kelvin to initially pass through security without the controversial pat down, the passenger on more...
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    Did you know...

    In Forrest Gump, when he is running cross country and has that gnarly ass beard, the actor playing Forrest Gump is Jim Hanks, Tom Hanks' youngest brother.
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    Louis CK: "Mr Rumsfeld, Are you a lizard who has tasted human flesh"

    From Opie and Anthony I couldn't stop laughing: dK8Y2nO_8TM
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    Tell them... I'm coming

    Its too late! Hell is going to walk the ear....
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    Suspicious Packages from Yemen found outside courthouse

    Just heard this word of mouth but some sort of package from Yemen was found outside the courthouse here in Portland, Maine. Coworkers are telling me theres been similar packages found today in Philadelphia and Baltimore? Anyone hearing about this? I haven't looked farther than the NYT.