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    Weird lines onscreen when ingame

    I just did a partial update to my computer, buying a new PSU/MOBO/CPU/RAM/and two 8600 GT. Everything seems to work just fine, except when I play some video games, such as C&C3, or WoW I begin to see these weird lines on my screen when I move my camera in certain angles. The lines aren't there...
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    Windows not displaying proper memory

    Well about a week ago, my old system somehwat died on me. I had an AMD 64 3200, with a gigabyte K8NS Pro mobo. Well when the cpu and mobo died, and went and ordered the same cpu, and a different motherboard because newegg didn't have the gigabyte K8NS pro. SO i picked up a Biostar NF325-A7...
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    [TW Metalheads] I - Between Two Worlds

    The new sideproject cd with Abbath and a bunch of other guys came out a few days ago. It's not black metal, but it's nice to hear abbath play again. So yeah go get it. I can provide a "store" with it if anyone needs to "purchase" it
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    getting exalted with a faction

    I've been searching around for information on how much runecloth it takes to get exalted with a faction, say thunderbluff for example. Is there a website that breaks that stuff down, or can give an estimate on how much runecloth/money is needed? All i know is that im 5K iinto honored and i...
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    alliance race revealed :lol: as well as blizzards new franchise
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    World's Ugliest Dog Dies at 14 11-22) 14:54 PST Santa Barbara, Calif. (AP) -- Sam, the tiny dog whose hairless body and crooked teeth earned him a reputation as the World's Ugliest Dog, has died. The pooch died Friday, just short of...
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    what the fuck is up with teenage drivers these days!?!?

    I've seen a lot of teenage kids driving with headphones over their heads for a while now. I'm not talking about earphones for their cellphones, im talking about those huge dj headphones. I seriously hope they fucking crash into a fucking stone wall and end their idiotic life. Sorry, had to get...
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    Free from the shackles of WoW!

    After almost 2 years of playing this game (since closed beta) I finally unistalled and had a day left on my account. I may come back if the expansion is any good, but blizzard is going to have to pull some amazing stuff to draw me back into the game. Oh well, have fun guys, and get lots of...
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    loot from the test server

    well, been on all day trying out dire, and the raid bosses. Dire maul is actually pretty fun, and it's fucking huge, lots of stuff to do there. Looks pretty promising. here's some picks of the loot that has dropped that dropped inside dire maul, not sure really what it is, but the name is...
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    what does this sticker mean?

    I was at the hospital yesterday and saw this on one of the cubbords
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    Tichondrius down?

    :( I want to lvl some more
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    Go watch Shrek 2

    Just finished watching it and the special features. This movie is really hilarious and should be seen by all. Puss in Boots is great! :bigthumb:
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    Proboscis Monkey's!!!!!!!!!!

    coolest monkey's ever
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    little calc help from the math guru's [maybe nws]

    I have these two problems and i'm just puzzled by them, (because i'm dumb) and need a little help finding the answer. I've tried to derive them both but really don't know what the fuck i'm doing. So TW is my only hope. Please help, i have tried and failed miserably, here's some pictures for...
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    Any games worth playing right now?

    pretty bored and have nothing to do for the weekend. Any new demos or games worth trying out?
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    Crazy video game shootem'up video

    Descreiption Just finished watching this andi almost had a seizure from all the damn colors. The guy playing this is fucking incredible.
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    A7n8x Deluxe BIOS updater problem

    Well i updated my BIOS yesterday on my other Computer, I used ASUS's flashing program to do the updating and the flashing and updating when just fine, and it said it was successful. So The next day when i went to turn on my computer, the screen was just blank. I'm quite the tech noob when it...
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    quick chem question (homework)

    well, i have this last question on my little topic paper to figure out, but for some damn reason i just can't do it. The question is I know it's probably really easy, but I'm at a blank. All I remember is that i find the moles of oxide, and then that's where i'm stuck. Here's a pretty...
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    Taking Lives: Unrated Version

    The movie is pretty bad, but it was worth it to see Angelina Jolie's boobies. So i recommend it :bigthumb:
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    help me with my math Hw teedub

    i'm dumb, i've tried for an hour now and just can't get these problems done. I put 120=a(x)^2 and 270/x^2=a but i really don't know if those are correct. The other question was What i put for this one for equation wise was 90=100(1/2)^10 and got an answer of 65.788, but have no idea if this...