Search results

  1. E

    Noisy inconsiderate neighbors

    it's 2:17am here where I live in Australia and they are playing hard bass music, fucking knocking and trying to open the front door, yelling and screaming... I really wish guns were legal here. :mad: I'm tired and don't want to head to bed to wake up with all my shit stolen.
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    Now a Father

    My wife gave birth not that long ago to a beautiful girl and she was born on census night, so she is part of the census in Australia. She was a fighter, some of you might of guessed that she had to be assisted out with forceps as indicated by the bruising. So who else here are fathers and...
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    [dailymotion][NWS] any music video similar or better then this one?

    Dailymotion - Dj Ozi - Juicy Pen (Explicit Edit) - une vidéo Music NWS I'd be very surprised if this isn't OFN, I just stumbled across it and cant stop watching it, and just wondering, are there any other videos similar to this one? Only other one I can think of is Rammstein - Pussy, but...
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    Currently posting from my eepc

    9hr battery life, probably still be running when I wake up tomorrow.
  5. E

    The letter P and google

    Interesting find when I accidentally search for the letter p in Google images p - Google Search P-Mate - Female Freedom - The Freedom To Pee Standing Up first result. :sick:
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    Apparently my phone # connects to another guys phone

    At first, I was like "WTF, why is there someone answering my number", apparently our telecom disconnected our line (no dialtone) and connected it to a guys property down the road while getting ADSL connected. How fucking hard is it to connect a phone line to a DSLAM. :fu:
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    New year plans

    So what are my fellow tribal warriors doing for new years... :birthday:
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    [Hot girls inside] Girls Gaming

    This is what I think of when I see this new sub-forum:
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    [OMG][Nice] youtube 3D

    OFN? YouTube 3D A nice one to try YouTube - Youtube 3D - Portal challenge18 (iz3d driver)
  10. E

    Car crashing advertisments [VIDS INSIDE]

    oc5EshFNDwk Vik25KAxjDI wxwM6NZUkxw 5J58i_qbQxY 8ZtdP3HNUpo The best shock ads I'd probably seen, Reminds me of the finial destination movies :scared:
  11. E

    Local ATM blown up

    ABC Central Coast NSW - Bank 'smashed' in ATM explosion I've used this ATM a lot too, I've lost count how many atms have been blown up around me... :scared: 23/04/2009 Update,27574,25373501-5006009,00.html My local bank a few blocks from my...
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    What april fools jokes have you successfully fooled people into this year?

    What april fools jokes have you/someone else successfully fooled people into believing this year? Also Google Google has done their usual april fools jokes for us aussies, might be a bit early to see what they have done in other countries like US. PS: We are a day earlier then most... so I'll...
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    PETA latest idiotic demand to rename fish to sea kittens

    PETA&squo;s latest idiotic demand - fish are &squo;sea kittens&squo; | The Daily Telegraph PETA // Save the Sea Kittens wow, they are pushing this sea kitten shit pretty far, just makes me want to grab some nice seafood today full of yummy sea kittens.
  14. E

    This may be my last post

    Im currently on the train heading home from work, then we were engulfed in smoke on my carriage... apparently there was a fire under our carriage. the route we take goes where there is no civilization and hard as hell to get there quickly, I cant be fucked waiting for another train now that...
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    hot or not as hot (computer promo girl edition)

    Tech ARP - Computex 2008 Booth Babes Not sure if this has already been done here, but here it goes anyway. This is a list of promo girls from trade fairs showing off the latest and greatest products from leading computer and software manufacturers such as Microsoft, ASUS, AMD, Intel etc... it...
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    Getting new PC, must get games

    I'm building an intel quad core 2.4Ghz, nvidia 8800 GTS and just wondering what are some must get games to try out out on my new baby.
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    stuck in a lift for 40 hours This is why I would carry my mobile with me everywhere I go, I never trust those emergency phones and in this case the camera's too
  18. E

    young girl staved to death

    young girl starved to death Court told of girl's horror | Herald Sun How the fuck can you do this to your children, I hope they get locked up in a jail cell covered in shit with no food or water and let them experience the torture first hand.