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    The free market has spoken.

    Glenn Beck's Fox show ending :bye: OFN?
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    UN report regarding Israeli attack on Freedom Flotilla is out.

    BBC News - Israeli raid on Gaza aid flotilla broke law - UN probe Here's the report: A few points that really stand out:
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    [OFFICIAL] 9/11 Rememberance Thread

    This is the official remembrance thread for Sept. 11, 2001. The fateful day that defined a generation. In this thread we will give thanks to our fallen heroes, honor our dead, and share our stories of that horrible day. Anyone caught posting objectionable or anti-American materials will be...
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    [Help] Guitar Advice.

    I'm looking to learn to play guitar and I'd like to get a my hands on a good acoustic sometime next week. I'm sure there's a fair amount of people here have experience with acoustics and can throw me some info which I will check into this weekend before making a purchase. Any help is...
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    Yeah, my family is moving in just over 24 hours. We aren't going far so it's not much of a problem for me socially or for school but I've lived here since the day I was born and as we are gutting the place and packing stuff up before the move I am finding myself getting pretty sad over the fact...
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    Start of a great weekend.

    I know you guys like laughing at the misfortune of others so I thought I would share my wonderful day thus far. From the events that have happened to me so far today I can tell this is going to be a wonderful weekend. :mecry: It started this morning at just after 6AM. I was rudely awoken from...
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    Found a lump on My nut..

    So I found a wierd lumpy thing on my right nut. There isnt one on the left one so I dont think it can be anything good :( I googled some sites on testicular cancer and the symptoms. All signs pointed to yes. This is really rreally scary, I dont want to die or lose any of my bits and peices...
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    "The best page in the universe" ^ Funny stuff ^ ?? ofn ??
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    "Return To Middle Earth" - Tonight!

    Tonight at 11pm east, 8pm west, KTLA is gonna be having a special on the new lotr movie :bigthumb:,7349,,00.html ^^ info ^^ ?? :rofn: ??