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  1. M

    so i just watch'd TEEN Avengers on Cartoon Network

    ... no wonder kids are so fukt. instead of JUST Cpt. American, they have captains for all the countries (wolverine is "captain canada", captain brazil is a chick who dances, captain russia is a midget with a beard, captain australia is a typical dbag aussie, captain china is good with numbers)...
  2. M

    [new music] Them Crooked Vultures

    Okay. So. There have been quite a few "supergroups" (bands comprised of a bunch of rockstars from "successful" bands) over the years. None of them have come even near the level of excellence I would expect from a bunch of drugged out genius's doing what they do best, in a conglomerate. Enter...
  3. M

    say i burn an "mp3" format cd from itunes...

    being able to store more songs on a single cd. can i then take that and rip all of the songs onto another itunes library, on another computer? or is it specifically encoded to run on mp3 format cd players? i've never used this function and don't want to use my cd's if it is not possible.
  4. M

    A site to send music from your computer to your phone?

    I usually use, but they're working on the page and it is unaccessible right now.
  5. M

    Could someone be so kind as to send me a standalone jumpjet script?

    I tried playing without it. Anymore, it's impossible.
  6. M

    Flight Manual from Fight Club?

    I remember seeing it on here like in 2001. Anyone still have it?
  7. M

    Does anyone know of/have Vast?

    Would anyone be willing to send me some of the albums if they have them? I've been looking everywhere for these albums but have been unsuccessful in locating them. It would be much appreciated, as Vast is the only music I will listen to in the summer time.
  8. M

    Who's more annoying? KittyCat or Krayvok?

    They both make me cringe when I read the pure idiocy they post on here. So, who is it?
  9. M

    Attention: Glare

    Please post and enlighten those who aren't fortunate enough to be on irc right now with your conversation between Anemix, Yourself and Sandstorm. I can not stop laughing.
  10. M

    Sometimes, I feel really bad for Krayvok.

    I should stop being a softy :\
  11. M

    Changing .mov to .mpg/.avi?

    Any proggies that work well with converting the formats?
  12. M

    Help me e-palz!

    What's the host website for up to 30mb?
  13. M

    I am absolutely hooked on Amplitude.

    Anyone ever play this? I cannot take my eyes off of it. I seriously haven't been this addicted to a videogame since T1. *edit* Oh yeah sorry :\ clicky
  14. M


    Anyone else enjoy their music? Anyone have a few live albums I could possibly "purchase" off of you?
  15. M

    Is it cool to bang your second cousin?

    Buddy of mine is debating this. I said go for it. What's teedub think?
  16. M

    It's official, i'm going to ride my bike everywhere from now on.

    Gas is fucking $2.35 for regular-fucking-unleaded. I paid $20.00 today for half a tank.
  17. M

    [T1] Need IP's

    for Onion Patch and Highline server.
  18. M

    [T1] Need a few IP's

    Anyone got Highline and OP? I need to manual connect :\
  19. M

    [T1] gg's

    Seems as if the MS is permanently down. Good run. vab.