Search results

  1. Z

    TheOGL is back from the dead :birthday:
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    Microsoft's New Surfaces

    Pretty badass. 6Gh4o9IqeEU XVfOe5mFbAE
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    Feminist says clapping ‘triggers anxiety,’

    Feminist says clapping ‘triggers anxiety,’ Feminist conference says clapping 'triggers anxiety,' asks attendees to use 'jazz hands' instead - Washington Times Long live the patriarchy! #nobully #myhands
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    The dumbest scene in a movie

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    The Crack Smoking Mayor Rob Ford is at it again

    Rob Ford takes leave as recent drug video emerges - The Globe and Mail
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    How has the Affordable Health Care Act affected you?

    Most people I know have seen premiums skyrocketing.
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    no one makes parity threads anymore

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    Neat musical history project my buddies did

    Human Genre Project | WavePulse They composed a bunch of 30 second loops for the major musical genres in the last century.
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    If you had 2,000 what computer would you build?

    Someone gives you 2,000. What do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO?
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    [Reddit] PR Gaming Incompetence Goes Viral

    Penny Arcade - Just Wow! Career implosion.!/kevinkelly/status/151596508565872640!/crecenteb/status/151635330221621248...
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    Anyone watch this show? It's pretty awesome.
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    [IT People] Cloud backups

    So I want to automatically backup a few files to some webspace that I have. Can anyone recommend me some software that will automatically upload some files?
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    Chinese attack Canadian Government

    True story
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    Nasdaq Stock Exchanged Hacked

    Hackers Penetrate Nasdaq's Computers -
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    Recommend me a good accounting software

    So my business is currently using some terrible accounting system called AccountEdge. The program is great at accounting, but it works like shit over the network. From what I've read it's just a pile of crap.
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    [Plinkett] Star Wars Episode III Review

    Red Letter Media
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    Hey baby

    Can I put my stonehenge in your iceridge?
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    [Networking] VPN Question

    I have set up a VPN between two Windows 7 machines using a pptp passthrough. The problem is on the client machine I would like to be able to print on the client network's printer. However, obviously when I am connected to the VPN the machine isn't finding the printer because it is looking for it...
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    It's time...

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    Tinychat is creepy

    [Pedophiles] Tinychat is creepy So, tonight I am doing a favour for a family friend and watching their 13 year old daughter and her friend. About 20 minutes ago, I wake up and I hear all this fucking noise coming from the basement. I go down there and they are on the computer rolling around on...