Search results

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    Endurance rock climbing [Pics]

    Got into rock climbing several years ago, but realized that based on career choice (surgeon), I wasn't going to be able to climb super hard things without an elevated risk of injury. And then I discovered endurance rock climbing and that there were competitions revolving around it...
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    What to do in DC with the shut down

    Scheduling mistake has me in DC tomorrow with nothing planned. Haven't been to DC since I was a little kid, so pretty much a blank slate. What is worth doing since all the museums and whatnot are closed.
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    Boy Scouts vote on allowing gays in and...

    Boy Scouts to allow gay youths to join - How does allowing gay scouts, but banning gay leaders make any sense?
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    Thinking about switching Usenet providers

    I've been paying giganews $25/month since 2005 and am finally ready to switch to something else. I've been seeing a couple of deals here and there for providers, but despite using newsgroups for 7+ years, really know very little about them. For example, anyone see anything wrong with this: NEW...
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    Ashima: Return of the Warrior Ninja Princess

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    [Shatner] Beware of the deep fried turkey this year

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    Reel Rock Tour 7

    VyUoVVDEa-E Finally got to see this, been waiting for months now :). Worth it if they are playing it near you (also available to 'purchase' on the web). Plus Sasha DiGiulian is so hot ;)
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    If TW were the 51st state how would it vote?

    Trying to dig up past election year polls...
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    [Official] NBA 2012-2013 Superthread (and predictions)

    It is early, but I'm sick of waiting and will forget to create later. Predictions: Lakers beat the Heat in the finals in 6 games while someone not named Bryant wins finals MVP. OKC has a relatively disappointing year losing to the Nuggets in the 2nd round Lebron picks up another regular...
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    In a Mass Knife Fight to the Death Between Every American President, Who Would Win an

    Rules: 1) Every president is in the best physical and mental condition they were ever in throughout the course of their presidency. Fatal maladies have been cured, but any lifelong conditions or chronic illnesses (e.g. FDR’s polio) remain. 2) The presidents are fighting in an ovular arena 287...
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    Need a tablet

    I need a tablet for hospital work. I have completely ignored the tablet market. Never had an interest in one, but now I need one. I know the iPad 2 for $400. Any other good options out there?
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    Fandango buy 1 get 1 free

    Fandango offer link Already tested it, works fine, got two tickets for Prometheus this afternoon for $9.50.
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    Budget TV advice?

    Never bought a TV before, had several projectors over the past few years, but my wife vetoed another one for our new condo. So, now I have $600 to buy a TV. If it were up to me we wouldn't bother buying a TV, but my wife wants one. :shrug: No idea really what I'm looking for. So, tips for...
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    <3 Christians

    rDZf4A9X3W0 7NazUXGM-vs
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    Building new computer, been out of the loop a while...

    Video card and CPU both blew out at the same time today, so its time to upgrade. Its been so long since I've bought computer components, I'm a little lost as to what I'm looking for. Basically looking for a Micro ATX motherboard, CPU, RAM and videocard combo. Doesn't need to run much, I just...
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    Asian before vs. after plastic surgery photos

    Why do we have ugly people in this world if we can do stuff like this?
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    Woops :(

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    25 Years ago today (tomorrow)

    qAfbp3YX9F0 Wolfman: [watching a video of planes being shot down] This gives me a hard on. Hollywood: Don't tease me.
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    Evelyn Lin offers to do stuff for cash...

    Anyone want to collect money for this? ;) ps. I feel like this would be pretty profitable for her, dunno why more pornstars don't do it.
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    Fuck you

    pc0mxOXbWIU [/worthless Sunday AM posting]