Search results

  1. Flash

    Am I crazy to get a 150 gallon aquarium?

    Never had a tank before, but I'm planning on having the tank built and maintained by a tank pro. So aside from maintenance, anything I should consider before going this big? I know weight can be a concern so I have a structural engineer coming to take a look at the floor support system. Going...
  2. Flash

    Hardboiled eggs

    Drop into high boil for 6:45 on the dot. Not a second more or less.
  3. Flash

    Is my wife unique?

    My wife just seems incapable of even comprehending how positive / negative reinforcement works. I get that if the kid is acting poorly, you can give in and he'll stop for a second, but how do you not grasp that you've just rewarded bad behavior with positive rewards? The obvious training the...
  4. Flash

    D.C. is quality

    Staying in crystal city. Everything is superb quality, not what I expected. Tax dollars were spent well here
  5. Flash

    I’m really struggling to enjoy the new TW

    All the new features are great, but the new layout is awful, especially on mobile. I’ve tried to keep an open mind and give it time for me to accept the change but I find myself visiting way less than before. Is it impossible to keep all the features but go back to the old layout?
  6. Flash

    Snakey out there

    Saw three today on my jog, got pics of two of them. Cottonmouth and Copperhead.
  7. Flash

    I just voted to make Elon the richest man in the world again

    Cry about it left tards.
  8. Flash

    Do you live in Phoenix?

    Why? What a miserable place.
  9. Flash

    Which entity is primarily at fault for the rise of far left ideologies?

    Big Tech Hollywood Democrats Universities ...?
  10. Flash

    CNN is giving a full play by play of a man burning right now

    Now this is news.
  11. Flash

    Show off new forum features here

    So what makes this new place better?
  12. Flash

    Tribalwar Podcast

    I think I'm bored enough to put some work into this if people are willing to participate. Obviously things like webcam would be optional. I picture the format to basically be a debate format. Each podcast will revolve around a spicy issue happening on the forum and we'll try to bring on...
  13. Flash

    Monitor thread

    Lot of new 32 inch oleds out. Anybody upgrading?
  14. Flash


    So a guy I know was always the bread winner, making really good money but had to go to the office 40+ hours a week pre-pandemic. Wife appreciates everything he does, life was great. They have 3 kids together. Skip to post-pandemic, guy now works from home. Now watching him work, Wife feels...
  15. Flash

    Online Poker is Toast Chances are you were already playing against odds calculators but having the whole thing be a bot is going to destroy play.
  16. Flash

    Aaron Bushnell

  17. Flash

    Good Music Videos

    Emphasis on the video actually being good, good music helps. Saw this one recently, one of the better videos I've seen in awhile: KfXvjxbRhZk
  18. Flash


  19. Flash

    What did I just buy?

    They said some weed called snow balls. I just assumed it was another strain.
  20. Flash

    What color should my new AR be?

    Daniel Defense, M4, Carbine, V7, 5.56 | Daniel Defense