Search results

  1. K

    I'm dying of cancer, paypal me money so I can buy this bike...

    I don't actually have cancer, but paypal me $$ anyway... :)
  2. K

    Petter is the luckiest guy on the planet...

    Luba is so beautiful.
  3. K

    Iowa is not ready for bluetooth phones...

    I have a motorola V710 that I got last month. I love the phone. I didn't have a cell phone prior to this, and have since ditched my landline for it. I initially had the LG4700 but found PTT to be quite gay (shitty VoIP is basically what it is) and not worth the extra $10/mo. I stumbled on...
  4. K

    Interstate Overpass > Truck Driver (Pics)

    We had a little excitement here today... Backed up traffic for quite a while. Happened on I29 a few miles South of Sioux City, IA.
  5. K

    How do you feel?

    I'm alright, I feel real fine I don't live a life that's uptight when there's a fight there's struggling I can't roll through the world without offering questions, what's my direction break in the grip of depression it comes in the day when you let things go there comes a time to rock a show...
  6. K


    How did this turn out? Inquiring minds want to know...
  7. K

    Capital One Bowl

    What a fucking awesome ending to a game. GO HAWKS!!!
  8. K

    Teresa Rocks - Rare Keokuk Geodes and other Rocks

    Rocks for sale on Ebay... :)
  9. K

    FightClub hockey style

    Here's a pic of one of the fellas from a Junior A team where I live (Sioux City, USHL). The guy in white was a bit larger, and fell a bit harder afterwards... :)
  10. K

    Close Encounters of the third kind

    Bought this at Wal-Mart Today. Fuck I forgot what a good show this is. :)
  11. K

    Serious Snow

    ofn? I wonder if it's PS'd, I can't tell. Looks real.
  12. K

    Ford GT Superbowl Commercial

    OK, this is probably ofn as hell, but search is disabled and I think this thing looks state of the bad ass art! right click, save as, and commence drooling (well, if you like it that is...). I hate Mustangs, never have...
  13. K

    UK chick selling Virginity

    Not sure if this is ofn or not. some fucktard probably already listed it under a title of "Girl finds ants in anus" or something completely fucking stupid. A STUDENT is so hard up she has decided to make the ultimate sacrifice...
  14. K

    I drive a $100 Car

    I've had a few vehicles in my day. Some of them nice, some not so nice. Currently, I'm driving a 1989 Olds 88 Royale. It's been rolled, has over 230,000 miles on it, and looks a little rough. But you know what? The fucker is paid for, runs like a top, and I don't have to give a shit about...
  15. K

    LAN Hardware

    So myself and some friends are having a LAN this weekend and I thought I'd post the hardware we're using so that ya'll can drool a little... (pics may be on the way sometime Sunday night or Monday) The Server: Gateway 995 Enterprise 4-way server 4 - 2.8 Gig Xeon Processors 10 gig PC2100 DDR...
  16. K

    [Breaking News] Playoff game for NCAA College football

    You heard it here first... A major computer vendor will be announcing a $10 million dollar offer to the winner of a championship football game between the University of Southern California and Louisiana State University if the NCAA agrees to make it happen. Can't give any more details but the...
  17. K

    Hefner eyeing Britney Hefner also says he'd like pop star to pose in PlayboyThe Associated Press Updated: 2:11 p.m. ET Jan. 06, 2004NEW YORK - Now that Britney Spears is a single woman again, she already has at least one potential beau: Hugh Hefner. The 77-year-old...
  18. K

    WTF Search is broken?

    Search takes me to a databse error page. I'd search to see if this has been posted but.... shit!
  19. K

    Please explain the physics behind this wheel...

    Can someone explain how the heck (the rear wheel on) this thing works? (yes yes I know the obvious, you give it gas and it goes round and round). I'm interested in knowing how exactly the rear wheel works though. I'm told it uses a helicopter bearing, but I'm not positive. Anyone else know?
  20. K

    Bands like Rammstein?

    Anyone know of any bands that are similar in fashion to Rammstein? Preferrably english but doesn't have to be. I'd only heard Du Hast before a few days ago and now I'm digging most of their stuff. :)