Search results

  1. R

    Best Google Reader replacement?

    I've tried the Old Reader but I'm not too impressed with it. Has anybody else that's been using Google Reader jumped to a new RSS reader yet?
  2. R

    Had a baby

    Born Dec 19 at 11:52pm. I guess he's not the Mayan anti-christ. He is awesome, though. As you can see, we are white.
  3. R

    [HION]New bisexual atheist AZ congresswoman

    First openly bisexual congressperson. First openly atheist congressperson.
  4. R

    Stuff to do at night in Vancouver

    I'm in Vancouver BC with the evening off. What do I do?
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    [CARS]What should I get?

    I'm looking at buying a new car. I've always bought used in the past, but this time I have some extra cash and the desire to own this car for several years, so I'm actually considering new ones. Sooner or later (probably in the next year), I'm going to have a kid, and eventually a dog, so I'm...
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    [R*]Happy Max Payne trailer day!

    First trailer for the next game R* game: bdnvc32YGpE Rockstar Games Presents Max Payne 3
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    [MAP SKILLS]Find the septic tank

    My wife and I are thinking about buying a house. It currently has a septic tank with approved Title V, but it's not obvious where exactly it is on the property. We have the map that's attached to the Title V doc, but it's confusing as hell and I still can't really read it. Anybody know where...
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    [VOTE SPAM]Vote my my game on G4

    Please go to G4 and vote for Red Dead Redemption. There are only a few hours left and we're losing to ME2. Admittedly ME2 is a good game, but the vote has already been swayed by a bunch of SC2 nerds that Husky sent to fuck with the system who voted for ME2. Videogame Deathmatch - Vote For Your...
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    Image request - 3d captain america-ish guy harrassing kids

    It's one of those multi-panel images, with some guy who may or may not be Captain America causing havoc and scaring away some kids, and then floating off in a car-driving position. I have no idea what to search for.
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    No one cares about Pavement anymore?

    I have a tickets to TWO pavement shows (BOS and NYC) that I'm trying to sell but no one wants to buy them. This is a fucking reunion tour and they haven't played for several years, but no one cares about Pavement? wtf noobs.
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    Fantasy baseball trade advice

    I'm in a relatively deep 12-team league, and I'm in the middle of the pack right now. I'm pretty good on HR/RBI/runs and so-so in AVG, but my pitching, particularly my saves, has been on the weaker side. I was offered Carlos Pena and Leo Nunez for Adrian Gonzalez. Adrian is a stronger player...
  12. R

    Internet slow?

    Any news on this? All of a sudden my connection to cross or intercontinental servers has gone to shit (from Massachusetts).
  13. R

    Red Dead Redemption coming May 2010

    I made a thread about this a while ago, but this one's better. Please excuse me for pimping my game, it's turning out really awesome and is getting close to shelves, and I'm pretty proud of what the R* team has accomplished: Rockstar Games Presents Red Dead Redemption TW GAMER TAG THREAD...
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    I got engaged

    I doubt anyone here other than some old VuP people really care, but there it is nonetheless. 12 years ago I started playing Tribes. I'm still here and now I'm going to get married. :shock:
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    Scamming Amazon and Best Buy

    I'm apparently 2 for 2 in unintentionally scamming large corporations for small amounts of money this week. Scam #1: I bought some mp3s from Amazon for $8 (I do this occasionally for rarer albums, when I can't immediately find a good quality rip online to begin with). I clicked "buy" and then...
  16. R

    [ATTN: FOOL] please curate a new photosthop thread

    There's some pretty sweet material in here: Big Shots for November 10, 2009 - Big Shots -
  17. R

    [HALO WARS]Who's playing it?

    Anybody else on here playing Halo Wars? For a console RTS I think it actually feels pretty good. I've been playing online a lot lately, send me a PM if you wanna play.
  18. R

    Recommend me a stock ticker app for the sys tray

    I want an app that lives in my system tray (XP) that I can track a portfolio of stocks. Maybe some kind of notification business when stocks jump or fall +x%, or relevant news items get posted, etc. I figure there are lots of potential candidates, but my online broker doesn't offer one that I...
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    RDR2 announced

    The game I've been working on was officially announced this morning: Red Dead Redemption: Rockstar's Western Shooter, Red Dead Revolver Gets Sequel :rocker: 12/16/09 Bumped for new trailer: Also this one is my...
  20. R

    [HION]Another teacher who had sex with a student

    She was accused recently south of Boston. ‘Obsessed’ teacher charged with rape of teen -