Search results

  1. R

    Anyone play Tabula Rasa?

    Does anyone have a friend/trial invite I could use? I'd like to give the game a try. Thanks! :)
  2. R

    Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

    This game sounds amazing, I'm hoping the developers get it right. Not much on the game but the new issue of Computer Gaming World January edition has a huge write up on it. Includes a lot of pictures and an interview with a dev. You can find the pdf online somewhere.... Anyway, the game...
  3. R

    How does this guy do it? (ebay related)

    so I recently bought something from this guy (an xbox hd av pack) I knew it was a total knockoff of the real thing but it was cheap. Anyway, I was looking through all the stuff that he sells and it's amazing. He sells about 10 items a day and it's the same stuff over and over. Take a look at...
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    Goodyear blimp down in florida

    Had a bad storm here in coral springs florida and apparently the blimp had to make an emergency landing. It went down in an industrial park but took a bunch of power lines with it =( Got damn it gets hot without power ac :( So far no news station is reporting much, but our power company says...
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    Retirement/Investment books?

    Anyone know any good books on these subjects? I just subscribed to money magazine and wanted to get some books. I have about 7k in stocks through etrade and just opened up a roth ira with vanguard so I would still consider myself new to the game. I've looked around but I'd rather...
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    Domestic Abuse ofn?
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    The sixth sick shiek's sixth sheep's sick.

    can't do it once
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    For those who got fileplanet for t:v

    Looks like WoW has some kind of stress test...this came out of no where.
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    for the SWG fan

    If you haven't seen the bounty hunter vs jedi movie it's great. Might be ofn to swg fans but I don't think tw has seen it.
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    Changing Boot Drive C: as default

    My primary drive is going bad which happens to be my master C: drive (15gig). I have another 80gig that is partition 10/70. Windows XP is on the 10gig and all my other programs are on the 70gig. I need to switch my primary drive C: but I know windows won't load. Is there any program or...
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    Windows XP unknown permission user

    This only appears on my ntfs partition: I can't find it anywhere in my system besides the permission tab. Briefly searched google didn't find anything worthwhile. Is this a system permission and can I delete it somehow?
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    Directv and "modified" card

    Just got my directv setup at home. Currently I have 4 receivers and I was thinking about getting one of my cards modified for all channels. Has anyone done this any kinds of risks? I heard they can "zap" your receiver and make that entire receiver stop that true? Can they zap...
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    AT&T South Florida

    I was looking for a new cell phone and people recommended AT&T so I went on their website and found a pretty cool phone. It was the Sony Ericsson T68i, I ordered fine on tuesday and last night I got a Nokia 6200 phone. So at first I'm like wtf and I call them we talk for about 2 hours get...
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    Anyone know how to crack a wireless network on a mac?

    I'm using a new ibook with a wireless card just scanning around at my work. We have a small wireless d-link hub setup here but it has a password. Any programs out there to bypass or try and break in? I searched google real quick didn't find anything...any mac guru's know of anything? :)
  15. R

    How to get website in the top 5 on search engines?

    I'm trying to find a way to get a couple of websites top 5 on google/yahoo etc.. I know google has a program called adwords, but I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions? Money is not a issue just let me know what programs etc are needed.