Search results

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    Oh those crazy kids at Boeing...

    They just finished a 19 hour 12 min, 10,408 mi test flight in their 787. FlightAware > Boeing Commercial Airplane Group #236 Flight Tracker Yes, that's the actual course they flew. LINK in case the top one doesn't keep the data up.
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    Cruise Ship tips over

    Cruise ship in Italy ran aground, took on water, and started to list, and kept going...
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    [HION] Rock Climber edition

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    Need a 'tough' tablet. Help needed.

    I'm looking for a tablet in the 5-7" range that's 'tough' and can be used in an off-road environment. If it was dust proof that would be awesome. Needs to be Android and NOT an Apple product as the specific APP that I need to run is Droid only. Other requirement is that there is a very rugged...
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    Help with an online vote

    My buddies kid is getting married, and she's entered a bridal proposal contest and could use a little help. Drag n drop into address bar or copy place, please. No registration, just click 'Love' on the bottom left. Thank you for your...
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    Man uncages a bunch of exotic animals, then shoots himself

    Fucking awesome, lol. Ohio sheriff: 48 exotic animals killed in all
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    How do you punish your children?

    Teen girl forced to wear armor, fight stepfather with wooden sword | Washington - Oregon - Idaho
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    Oh, those crazy Japs...

    Sushi Restaurant in Japan Offers Gigantic Sushi Rolls I don't understand a fucking word they're saying, but I laughed.
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    RIP Lita Ford

    Musician - Lita Ford dies following Jet-Ski crash in Turks and Caicos Islands Possibly a familiar song: md1MtPK2yws (...ok not really)
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    Dirt Bikes / Single Track

    Every year we go up to Mammoth Lakes, CA for the Brew and Blues Festival and we take our bikes. My buddy and I started a company organizing rides and this is a yearly event for us. This year we had 27 people at the event and the video below was shot by another buddy of mine on the 'China Wall...
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    PHP help - preg_replace

    I need to replace this relative link: onclick="'/popup/service-explain.html? With an absolute link: onclick="' Everything I've tried thus far isn't working, need some help. On the plus side, my...
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    FUCK YOU Hipsters, this shit has been around since 1948. Just fucking STOP. 24408090
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    Lower Airline Ticket prices this weekend??

    Looming partial FAA shutdown could lower airline ticket prices - for now - Political Hotsheet - CBS News Might be a good time to buy your tickets to Hawaii.
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    Vegas Fight

    I searched and didn't see 'fight' on the first 3 pages. 4 v 1 fight, guy is getting pummeled, then the tables turn... vFOldTLCM50 Cliffs: * Guy in red shorts gets chased by 2 guys, tries to run away * Guy in red shorts stumbles, then 2 guys get on top and start pounding * 2 girls join in on...
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    Voting in the US

    Do any of you think that in our lifetime, we'll ever be voting for a President that is completely worthy of the job or will we ALWAYS be voting for the lesser of two evils? It doesn't ever seem like I'll ever get to vote for someone I really like as President, just a guy that isn't as bad as...
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    What Clan had the best SKINS in T1/T2/T:V?

    Seeing the other gay as fuck, "Who's better than who" threads which can never be proven and no one really gives a fuck about you just show me some fucking SKIN. Wish I had a screenshot of the {Zulu} skin but I can't fucking find it...those were EPIC. =\ T1: {Rwg} T2: i$...
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    NCAA DIV I Lacrosse Semi Finals (On now)

    ESPN2, 1 & 3pm (PST) Should be interesting with Denver in the mix, first team west of the Mississippi to ever be in the Final 4. I'm gonna go with Virginia to win it all.
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    Tell me about Fedz

    Whilst paroozing IRC earlier this evening (5:40-6:00pm) prior to leaving work, I learned a few things. Fedz claimed: 1) He's married 2) Has a 2.5 y/o son 3) Is 25 y/o 4) Makes $260,000/yr working for the rail road 5) Has no college degree 6) Wife makes 'just under 100k' 7) Gets...
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    Air France Flt 447 Flight Data Recorder found

    Mystery jet crash data recovered, investigators say - I think the current consensus in aviation community is that there were known issues with the pitot tubes (Indicated Airspeed) on the A-330 which could have caused the Airbus to think it was flying slower than it actually was, and...
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    Chicago MUST hire 111 Black Firefighters

    Court: Chicago must hire 111 black firefighters - Un-fucking-believable. Institutionalized mediocrity. =\