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  1. G

    i was wrong

    it isn't the mobile UI is bad the whole site looks like dogshit and based on careful scrutiny of the size 6 user name of who created a thread it looks like the forum is 50% severed topics
  2. G

    i was wrong

    it isn't the mobile UI is bad the whole site looks like dogshit and based on careful scrutiny of the size 6 user name of who created a thread it looks like the forum is 50% severed topics
  3. G

    Mobile sucks

    Hard to parse in Mobile ui What the fuck are we paying you for
  4. G

    Dudes in their 50s that have been single their whole life are gay

    Eg: havax Submit evidence to the contrary
  5. G

    State of the union

    Why hide this stuff in giant mega threads?
  6. G

    Who is the biggest loser?

    Like, by weight
  7. G

    is duff still alive?

    duff duff duff duff?
  8. G

    Two dipshits enter, one dipshit gets banned

    Hello TWers new and old I propose a ban poll, me vs scooby. Loser goes away for 1 week. He's erratic, banning people at will for no offense. He keeps changing the board, going from private to public and back and forth. He can't make up his mind about Sigbot. Personally, I think he has been...
  9. G

    its pretty crazy how pro russian you idiots are

    they never been our friends reagan thinks you're all gay
  10. G

    Things you may have missed

    Are you coming back after fucking off for 10 years? Maybe things have happened that you've just forgotten Well anyway let's use this space to catch people up on the state of the state
  11. G

    So we truly do have less than 40 active members?

    cool experiment
  12. G

    God bless double barrel Biden And also ultra low unemployment and pumping more oil and gas then any president before him
  13. G

    test your reading skills!
  14. G

    Our new forum overlord is an unhinged lunatic

    First he wants to make the TW logo a racist black face to bring in new members from all over the internet somehow? then he bans amadeus for saying no one cares about the logo then he deletes the entire thread also why is the TW logo some weird July 4th flag theme right now
  15. G

    Epstein people flight logs for sex having with kids

    Turns out Clinton flew the private jet starting in 2002, to Europe and such. Never to Florida or locations close to the child sex island. There's no direct flights to child sex island btw. You know who did have fights to Florida on epstein jet? Trump, 7 times in the mid 90s Also the underage...
  16. G

    Thanks Joe Biden for $2 gas in Texas

    You really turned it around, what a great economy
  17. G

    i made tribes 3

  18. G

    Goshin/Zan appreciation thread

  19. G

    Biden build that beautiful border wall!

    The Biden administration is building a controversial part of the border wall in Texas : NPR God bless him This is yet another gigantic win for Dark Brandon
  20. G

    this is a goshin thread

    what should it be about?