Search results

  1. S

    Best Dart Match Ever

    At least the best one televised. Epic! BXHoZiiZ9_4 edit: Cliffs: These two guys went back and forth killing it for most of an hour. Moe than 30 [180's] in 25 games, both averaged well over 100 points per round. I think it's the highest combined 501 avg ever televised, which is nuts...
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    $1billion NCAA Bracket-This is NUTS

    There were 8.7million entries, top 20 pay $100k each. I was curious how good the top brackets looked so I checked...and holy crap someone must be on suicide watch right now. This person is in 3rd place AND THEY FORGOT TO PICK THE WINNER OF THE FINAL GAME!!!! No chance to win 100k...
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    Where should I open an account to make a sports wager?

    Better yet, where can I do this? I'm in NY, neither nor Bovada accept my location :( I can usually find someone to take the other side but when I can't I'd like to have an acct online somewhere... Anyone know?
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    D'antoni Knicks Part Ways

    Not confirmed yet but from a good source. Deserves its own thread.
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    Best interest rates for my cash?

    I'm looking for best returns including any bonuses, has to be insured FDIC. The best I see right now is .90% at American Express online bank. What are you guys getting and where?
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    Is this the best weird al song?

    I don't really like his stuff much but i always thought this song was hilarious, are there others i should listen to? yKeHQpT5wVE
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    New h1n1 symptom?? (diagnose me)

    I should have talked to my doctor this week to try and confirm that I have it but I was reading about all the cases at WSU and... "Garcia said the symptoms of H1N1 are a giveaway. Sick WSU students have reported sore and scratchy throats, chest pain reminiscent of heartburn, and headaches that...
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    [Yankees]2010 World Series Odds?

    What do you guys think fair value is for the Yankees? I'm looking to make a bet with a friend that the yanks win both this year and next. It looks like I can get a little over 2 1/2 to 1 online for this year which is basically where they started the season....seems a little strange. I'm...
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    [Pink Eye] Advice

    I have pink eye for the first time in my life, I guess I'm supposed to just let it run its course unless it gets really bad/nasty puss...but my question has to do with etiquette. Am I supposed to cancel my appointments stay away from work etc because it's highly contagious??
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    [Music] This is such a sweet Bach cover

    that it needed to be posted, by the Punch Brothers...(watch in hq)
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    Incoming Hedge Fund/Mutual Fund blowups

    At least that's been the chatter last couple of days. I believe it, ready for next leg down on forced selling. I'm tired of these overpaid Harvard know it alls, alot of them deserve what they're getting (but not all).
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    [Roundworm] TW doctors & vetenarians please post here

    My cats got roundworm and are being treated for it, which is pretty common. But what about me?! I'm paranoid after reading about how they can go into your brain and eyes and they're really creepy looking. I've had a bad cough for a week now, woke up with a bloody nose which is unusual for me...
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    Another Madoff scam??

    US marshals seen entering Houston office of Stanford Financial--Reuters It looks like they have something like $50billion in assets under management. from last night... Pressure Builds on Stanford Financial - BusinessWeek
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    I don't normally do this but....

    Please vote for my friend :) Shecky’s Hottest Bartenders 2009 Her name is Mariya king and she rocks
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    why can't i use tw search?

    what am i doing wrong?
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    How much is a barn?

    To keep a horse in? NGFM wants to know.
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    my cat won't drink water

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    [registry]Can anyone help me?

    I'm trying to get cc cleaner to run on my other partition that i'm not running windows from (trying to fix the other one) but it won't- i tried installing it there too. Is it possible or does anyone know of other programs that will, free or worth buying? thanks in advance for any help.
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    I took in a stray cat...

    He's at the vet now. He's about a year old looks like he's been on the streets for awhile, has an ear infection, a little underwent with fleas and tapeworm, he's neutered and I'm waiting on the leukemia test. But I just found out he has a chip. Should I try to track down the owner? I'm...
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    If AIG goes under...

    This is a good summary of what we're looking at, disastrous to say the least. From what I've read over the last couple of weeks I don't see how they'll be able to raise enough capital without at least a partial government bailout. They need at least $70B now with the ratings downgrades last...