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    Jackie Robinson West stripped of US Little League Title

    Had kids from other regions playing on their team. Got caught. This is all sports radio is talking about in Chicago. Original Article Jackie Robinson West Broke Residency Rules, Suburban League Claims - Morgan Park - Chicago Little League Press Release Little League®...
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    Richard Attenborough

    ded Richard Attenborough dies aged 90 | Film |
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    Things to do in Boston, for an 11 year old.

    I will be with my 11yr old son in boston for 10 days. What are fun things to do for an 11yr old in Boston and the surrounding area. Anything within a 2 hour drive would be good (possibly 3 if it is really good). Looking for all sorts of stuff, nature, city, touristy, relaxation, etc...
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    Anyone getting odd advertising?

    In the last 5 minutes, I had an ad that automatically played audio and an ad that attempted to download several files to my computer.
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    YAHTPCT - Yet another HTPC thread

    Are any of the store bought media playing devices actually worth it? Do they support all of the formats and have a decent interface for music/movies/tv shows etc? I am looking for a device that will flawlessly play 1080p content stored on my PC and/or NAS device. The content it will access...
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    No christmas loot thread?

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    Keep it or return it?

    My non-technical father-in law bought us a 43" Samsung Plasma 720p TV. We do not have an HD TV and were going to jump in this winter with a whole new home theater setup. I was going to buy something a bit smarter but then this thing showed up today. The size is decent for our room but I...
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    Wife's 40th birthday party. Lots of estrogen. :50pages:
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    [Rayn] Why does TW take a shit every night at 1am EST?

    or is it just me?
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    Romney is winning!!!!! 8-3

    Pretty low scoring game right now.
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    I DIDN'T!

    Fuck that shit. They are all crooks.
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    No pumpkin thread!?! WTF?!?

    I didn't search I suck. Paper templates and only the easy ones.
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    Why would the numbers 193, 197, and 198 piss me off so much??

    Seriously, how close can you get!
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    fucking resumes, how do they work?

    Really. I have to make one and I don't think I ever had to in the past. Before, I would just get jobs based on my awesomeness. Point me to a good reference to current resume strategery.
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    Warehouse 13

    Haven't seen a thread about this show. First couple seasons we decent. Interesting plots with a cool idea of artifacts that have special powers. Acting is a bit cheezy but the shows are usually pretty good. Then came this season. Damn good story arc. Good Sci-Fi :bigthumb:
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    Car clubs driving slow on expressway?

    Saturday night, I hopped on the expressway to go home and I didn't get very far before traffic slowed to about 45mph. As I made my way up towards the front I noticed an increase of nice cars. There was a viper, some saleen mustangs, porches, M3s, etc. As I got closer to the front of the pack...
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    Hooray for socialism!

    My kids' school district applied and received a federal grant to feed breakfast and lunch to every child in the district. :bigthumb:
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    Hey Canadians :wave:

    :wave: Less than 24 hours from now, I will be entering your borders. 7 days of fishing, swimming, eating, and sleeping. The, of course, is after towing a 3200lb boat, trailer, and way too much shit my wife packed 700 miles. I've been waiting 51 weeks for this trip. Woot!
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    Deep Fried Fish Batter - Crispy!

    Send me your best deep fried fish batter recipies. My recipe looks and tastes great but is a bit too soggy. What makes a batter crispy?
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    Chicago storms

    90 mph winds reported. My yard is fucked. At least 5 full trees down, several major limbs gone. Town of West Chicago is a mess. Pics to come