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  1. S

    exchange student fund i put up this website in the hopes of receiving some support for an exchange student trip to Japan - i am set to leave next month on the 31st. i don't really expect to get any donations but i thought it was worth a shot as the deadline approaches.
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    EverQuest 2 official trailer this is worth watching alone, if only for the amazingly high quality video compression (you need at least 1800 mhz to run it smoothly) and artwork the game.. i don't know.. but this really makes me want to play it, even though it's just a...
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    oh dear god
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    buy my old 21" starting price 15 bucks, no reserve i suppose i could get a lot more if the bottom of the screen didn't have issues.. but oh well :cool:
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    trading Planetside trial key for SWG friend key

    yeah so I've got this free 7 day Planetside trial key and am trading it for an SWG friend key so if anyone got into SWG beta, and has their friend key, and wants to try Planetside.. nows your chance :D alternatively, i also am accepting friend keys for free, if you dont want to try planetside ;)
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    say you had a $1000 to spend at costco

    what would you buy? I would get those microwavable pork sandwiches, mm mmm and of course, two big cans of nacho cheese sauce, and an industrial sized bag of tortilla chips
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    Enter the Matrix DEViANCE

    hey cool wait 4 cd's :(
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    need help enabling AGP texture acceleration
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    so I've got this Planetside key

    yeah.. and no one to give it to PM me.. but I'd like something in return :D (nothing big)
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    cheapest place to buy SB?

    i see lots of places selling for $40, but are there any selling for under that? don't have lots of money and need to save up :/
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    whoa :NOT WORK SAFE:

    whoa Not work Safe
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    night vision goggles close quarter battle
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    animatrix ultra trailer

    holy shit holy shit
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    you're not your

    since apparently half the US population missed english class, i must make this thread to educate the uneducated YOU'RE NOT YOUR ok thx
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    fucking AWESOME
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    h4x by delta force

    Shortly before the war begins, Delta Force commandos, many of them wearing camouflage, are expected to be dropped by Black Hawk helicopters to pre-selected sites on the outskirts of Baghdad, Pentagon officials say. Soon after they arrive, they plan to hack into and shut down Iraq's...
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    anti-war ninny receives a lashing

    stolen from SA point and laugh, and dont let this thread turn into another retarded political debate oh well it will anyways
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    tons of new PS screenshots, movies

    media overload.. the movies are subscriber only and are on fileplanet and gamespot,11100,437493,00.html (5th one down) all the new previews with the screenshots are linked at...
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    i just got visited by a guy in the army

    so it's saturday, I'm sleeping in, and my mom wakes me up saying 'A guy from the Army is here to see you'. i'm thinking "oh shit", until I walk out to meet him. He just showed up wearing his uniform with his decorations and his hat, and started asking questions about the Americas army game. "Did...