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  1. G

    fuck maddbeats

  2. G

    do ne1 c magicaljerry

    if u do plz tell him i am goin 2 fuk his azz up ty
  3. G

    attn: rayan

    i believe the forum needs 2 be maintained due 2 recent bot invasion wen will u get off ur god dam high horse and let darkpiece clean up the data tables??? this madness has gone on 2 fukin long and many tribalwar are sik of it ty
  4. G

    [space] this is rad

    The most amazing and inspiring vision of the future I've ever seen definitely watch in HD with the lights off like the author suggests if you like space or the thought of space exploration then you will like this video
  5. G

    tuesday night STAR CRAP

    if u palayin in 2 nites show match add me on battle net
  6. G

    do ne1 kno about tapatalkin

    if so i would like 2 learn more ty
  7. G

    [GoT] Season 4 Trailer 2

    d2ZNaLQD60Y JEAH
  8. G

    the best youtube video ever [trucks + low bridge]

    xzkWTcDZFH0#t=41 the sound effects make this video i'm in tears laughing
  9. G

    Blaine Gabbert: REAL AMERICAN

    suck a dick you foreign trash Holy Shit, Blaine Gabbert Has A Theme Song 09oUUhkSxbQ blaine gabbert is coming for you
  10. G

    [SOCCER] [FUTBOL] USA vs Mexico

    this is a huge World Cup Qualifier at Mexico's home stadium where fans throw bags of piss, batteries, and chant "OSAMA" at american players support your country by watching the USMNT on ESPN... kickoff in 10 minutes
  11. G

    diabolo 3

    any1 want 2 play (hardcore)?
  12. G

    swarm of hearts

    does anyone not named jerry want 2 play?
  13. G

    zero dark thirty

    woah. intense movie what are your thoughts forum buddies?
  14. G

    [tipping thread] massage etiquette

    i've never gotten a massage before but i'm getting one soon. are you supposed to tip? is it the 15-20% range like food?
  15. G

    [LANCE] Armstrong

    lance armstrong wont fight doping charges will likely be banned for life from cycling and lose all of his titles Lance Armstrong Drops Fight Against Doping Charges, Will Likely Be Stripped Of Tour Titles And Banned For Life damn
  16. G

    new phone debate

    Right now I'm pretty sold on getting an iPhone in a month when my contract is up. I'm currently using an HTC EVO. I love the display and the customization options Android offers but the battery life blows. That's huge for me. Everyone around me with an iPhone only has to charge their phone...
  17. G

    a case of the mondays

    what the hell is going on today???
  18. G

    two years ago today

    two years ago today we were all witnesses to the greatest moment in us soccer history: r9lCmiH2XMY one more time with the best call ever (en espanol): ALJu7YPMNBI and the greatest fan video i've ever seen: jbn3rOPmR9w
  19. G

    good basketball article

    i ain't the biggest basketball fan but this is awesome to read: An Oral History of the 1992 US Olympic Basketball Dream Team on the 20th Anniversary: Profiles: GQ
  20. G


    anyone want to play and be awed by my level 8 sweet summoning necromancer