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  1. C

    [75,043] This thread is for me, not for you

    Halfway there. :boogie: "Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil." - James Allen 1864-1912 "When asked what he would do if he only had six months to...
  2. C

    Most suitable quote for a chapter heading

    I've got quotes beneath every chapter heading in my book. I try to keep the quote somewhat related to the concept of whats happening in the chapter, sort of a foreshadowing by concept. I've been looking for a good quote for chapter fifteen, but have been having trouble. In this chapter I...
  3. C

    Why would Harry Truman have said this?

    I fear that machines are several centuries ahead of the mortals. Even if he said it moments before his death in 1972, what the heck was he referring to? And was it to be taken literally? The machines in his era (thirties to early seventies) couldn't be described as "centuries" ahead of...
  4. C

    [Microsoft Licensing] Stoopud question

    I've got two domain controllers running 2k3, and say 20 users. How many CALs do I need to buy to stay MSLEGAL... I thought there were 5 CALs with each server, but I'm reading conflicting shit on the net. Its in Per Server mode. I need a human, TW expert to reveal the truth. Okay, forget the...
  5. C

    [free]Watchin CNN Live.. a no nose gear landing coming up at Miami

    wonder if it'll 'splode
  6. C

    [XP] Too many windows open = no more windows [solved]

    I use multiple monitors, and often have a large number of windows open (browsers, folders, editors, DW, PS, utils, etc). I've noticed a point at which my system can no longer spawn a new window... even an "Open" dialogue. So then I have to kill one in order to proceed. The cause appears to be...
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    [YouTube] Copyright Infringement Notice?

    I've only uploaded 3 vids to YouTube in my life, the last being today, a video tribute to my cat Sammy that passed last week. I used Skynard's "Free Bird" for the music on it. This is what I just got in the mail from YouTube: What I don't get is - the policy says "allow"... wtf does this...
  8. C

    [PHP] Help creating a spider for indexing a remote site?

    Since you asked, I think you are in over your head. He's got a million posts on a free forum? Geez. Have the guy pay the service to provide a dump of the database. It'd be cheaper than paying you to cheese together a flat file rendition of it, I would think.
  9. C

    Hey BadMofo

    If you were a booger, I'd pick you first. :brows:
  10. C

    What do you finance experts make of this?

    Link: But if the vaults are empty, what will Scrooge McDuck swim in? | MetaFilter
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    Does it shock you that Benjamin Franklin said this?

    Three can keep a secret if two are dead.
  12. C

    Where's that fag opsayo

    C'mere bitch, I need to pignore your faggity useless ass for trolling Jaz & Jack's thread.
  13. C

    DNS Gurus? (halp)

    Using GoDaddy for domain control, pointed at a virt. dedidcated server (plesk) Our mail server is local (not on the webserver). I used the wrong IP in the entry in Domain Manager. Instead of pointing at the local mailserver, it was pointing to the new webserver. (was in a hurry...
  14. C

    Does your Google Earth go black when tilting?

    With an AMD CPU in your box? Mine did... until I found this driver from AMD.
  15. C

    Life After People

    What survives after we cease to exist? Monday, 9 Pacific/8 Central, History Channel I'm gonna check it out.
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    [Ultimate][TinFoil] The Holy Grail of Tinly Things

    I was just doing research for my novel, looking for an appropriate term or acronym to use for a microwave device or satellite capable of firing off low-power, pulsed microwaves, the kind that reportedly screw up human thoughts & behavior. While browsing, I can across this: Microwave Mind...
  17. C

    [CNN] A clear example of media stirring shit up

    Article: Musharraf tells U.S.: Stay out of Pakistan - First two paragraphs: Highlighted key points. The slug line and opening paragraphs suggest Pakistan is ready to fucking duke it out with the U.S. if they go in after bin Laden. THEN, in the 12th paragraph, they quote his whole...
  18. C

    Admins, whilst you are in the mood for changes...

    You know the GREEN ARROW w/YELLOW DOT graphic? Could you make the YELLOW DOT a different color, like black or blue or something dark? The yellow on green is sometimes nearly invisible. Maybe its my old eyes. :shrug: Thought I'd ask.
  19. C

    [Cali] power out since 4:30am this morning

    Just bought a generator to run the fridge, freezer, few lights, and of course, the essential electronic gateway equipment to the intarweb. :brows: Two fences down, shit everywhere, but no flooding, thankfully. Sucks having power out, but I think it still beats the Eastern blizzards/freezes.
  20. C

    I cannot find a game worth buying

    I had $120 in my pocket free to blow, so I went up to Gamestop and browsed. Nothing grabbed me...! At one point, I had SimCity Socities in my hand, ready to walk to the register, but..... I changed my mind, because I'd not heard enough about it. Now that I've read up on it, I'm glad I skipped...