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  1. M

    Now that I've been an adult for some time and life has me by the balls

    I truly, on a deep level, appreciate how awesome the tribes years were. I mean, when you take the whole package of adolescence + the novelty of internet gaming + the tribes experience including the vastly superior game, the incredibly entertaining community and drama that surrounded it, and the...
  2. M

    [SIIICKK] Descent Remake by Indie Dev

    OxOxiOQ4sXU#at=30 Indie dev remaking Descent with modern graphics, sound | Ars Technica looks legit as fuck, judging from the vid the physics / feel are identical to the original, and so is the game play, and the graphics are mighty impressive as well :drool:
  3. M

    BAGELHEADS (i dont know/give a fuck of this is ofn)

  4. M

    The Billionaire's Tea Party

    ERMAGEHRD!!!! If you would like to have your brain implode by witnessing the sheer stupidity and ignorance that American's are capable of, watch this documentary. The fact that this tea party movement has managed to grow and cause as much ruckus as it has, despite being composed 99% of...
  5. M

    Spirit Hoods

    seen alot of these things the last couple of years, they seem to be particularly popular amongst festival crowds... they're those furry ass hoods that people wear that resemble animal pelts... they look pretty attractive on females to be honest, especially attractive females (but then again...
  6. M

    the one thing steve jobs missed out on despite his all-amazing life

    tribes one just sayin'
  7. M

    Free assange

    Fucking brits fuck you, free assange
  8. M

    can someone tell me what instagram is all about

    im confused i've always been able to snap a picture from my phone and instantly upload it to fb/twitter/whatever... so wtfs so special about instagram... that it has special effects filters? is there something of substance here or is it just the fad of the hour?
  9. M

    going sober for 31 days

    i don't think i've been sober for more than like 5-6 consecutive days in almost a decade anyways, im on day 3 of my attempt at 31 days of sobriety... so tonight at midnight i will be 9.3% of the way there... am i going to feel any different at the end of this shit and embrace sobriety like...
  10. M

    hersheys is the shittiest chocolate in the planet

    i don't know how this thing became the flagship american chocolate, because it sucks a bag of dicks, seriously i suppose smores are it's only saving grace, but i'm sure smores would taste better with another chocolate anyways, nestle, even
  11. M

    does anyone have that AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS pic?

    with the little dood all happy go lucky jumping around going AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS ??
  12. M

    Heavy D died :[

    <insert tribes joke here teehee>
  13. M

    wall street hippies

    CHARTS: Here's What The Wall Street Protesters Are So Angry About... am i rite?
  14. M

    You kill 77+ innocent people and you face a maximum sentence of 21 years?

    Am I reading this right? have the Norwegians gone batshit insane? I can understand being against Capital Punishment (as I'm against it myself), but this fucker should never see the light of day. WTF? :huh: Norway Terror Suspect Anders Breivik Makes 'Unrealistic' Demands - ABC News
  15. M

    the malware has me by the balls

    and i refuse to reformat tried vipre, malwarebytes, and avg, and this motherfucker goes apeshit everytime like it knows im trying to kill it i've done several registry restores after it owned my ass, which brings me back to an operational state, but i just don't know what antivirus/malware...
  16. M

    Dear TW, plz help my friend win this remix contest :]

    No registration required, just click and vote. He gets $500 and his remix gets released under this OM Records label, and he's really close, I think TW can definitely take him over the top. Will donate $20 to TW if he wins. Thx doodz :] Soulstice Remix Contest vote for Soulstice - Realistic...
  17. M

    absents thread was deleted for why?

  18. M

    Proposal for what to do with the SHIT posters of TW

    and just to be clear, I'm talking about the worst of the worst here, people like dweasel, togowack, mitchdubai, and/or anyone with -300 rep. Since the admins are so vehement against banning shit posters, what if instead, they got "promoted" to their very OWN subforum, a place exclusively for...
  19. M

    raise you're hand if you're a tough guy

    im not raising my hand but raise yours if you are
  20. M

    juggernaught thread (not fraggle)
