Prepare to experience nostalgia


Veteran XX
My Cartoon folder, around 1TB so far. I have some missing from the list that I haven't transfered but please tell me if I'm missing anything (good).

Once my kids are old enough they will be forced to watch only quality shows such as this


BTW I cannot locate Bobby's World anywhere, I must find it.
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Visionaries :D

No collection of cartoons is worthwhile without Home Movies though

I'm gonna make my kids watch that shit
I figure it's also a nice list for those that may have forgotten about some of these shows, Wikipedia is your friend.
Ok I have Transformers on DVD as well as the Simpsons and Family Guy. I have Boy Meets World too but since it was on Family Channel and still is I didn't see the need to have it on my hard drive. Once I get a bigger one I'll be putting more of those shows on it like those TGIF shows.

Transformers was my all time favorite

I do plan on getting Beast Wars, had it back in the day but that was when most people were on modems and the quality sucked. Also, I had Robotech but then I realized the Japanese version Macross is much better so I'll be getting those soon. Reboot is one I've been putting off too good idea.