[1.40] Map-Bug in distribution + fix


New member
If you are playing only LT Maps:
Move along there is nothing to see here.

If you like to play base with certain mappacks or mods and the Tribes 1.40 Install (http://dfclan.org/1.40/Tribes 1.40.655.rar), you can't or can you?

So far the maps, that do not work in the above distribution, are:
  • Turbulence
  • SuperCross_2
  • Death_Row
  • TheLongWalk
  • Massive_Sides
  • OneSmallStep (OneSmallStep.ted is not converted to zip)
  • Slipstream
This is because these files have no [Mapname].zip file. (The .vol of these in the 1.30 Distribution were empty.)
To fix this create an empty zip-file named after the map (e.g. "Turbulence.zip" [22 bytes]) and copy it to the opencall directory (e.g. "c:\tribes1.40\opencall\").

Open call 2
  • only Hildebrandt works.

This is, because nobody took care of converting the .ted and .vol files to .zip-Format and putting them into the distribution.

get a copy of the "Open Call 2" Maps, unpack each .ted and .vol file on its own and then zip them. All unpacked .vol files will be named [Mapname].zip.
All .ted files will keep the name [Mapname].ted!

If nobody beats me to it, I will create a fixed mappack containing the missing files. Anybody wants to host that pack? I am to lazy to register some webspace right now.

Since there are other map packs and mods out there, I think some of them might have the same problems with the 1.40 client as Opencall, so please leave a note in this thread, if you find this bug in other maps and mods.
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This is, because nobody took care of converting the .ted and .vol files to .zip-Format and putting them into the distribution.

High expectations for a leaked beta. Regardless, if you're curious, early in beta there were talks of removing gametypes and missions from 1.40. Can you believe that shit? How fucking retarded ...
Well, I had thought someone of the community would have noticed that. But i guess since all of the time LT is played, no one cares about those other good things in tribes anymore. :picard2:

Relax man. A lot of other mods use base maps. Not that many people use the leaked 1.40 so it's not really a big issue. Even when a base map is played on a base server it's never a DOX or Opencall map. People appreciate the work. Nofix does as well; I'm sure of it. You misinterpreted his reply.
Well, I had thought someone of the community would have noticed that. But i guess since all of the time LT is played, no one cares about those other good things in tribes anymore. :picard2:

Missing maps were reported during beta. Like I said though, from the get go they ( Jaymz & Andrew ) were wanting to cut gametypes / maps.
I'm going to assume it was a misinterpretation. Some in the beta wanted to strip out all the extra shapes, gametypes and maps, NoFix and I argued to keep everything.
This is kind of unexpected behaviour for the TW-forums as I have read them so far. :)
People trying to understand each other and arguing instead of flaming. ;-p I got to re-read. :)

I got that 1.40 is beta, but like any good forumwhore I tend to ignore facts that are in the way.
I just thought since the leak of beta there was enough time to recognize those bugs ...
But all I really wanted to do was to complain and to :cry: about nobody is playing base anymore.
Well that's that. now I got to move on to another thread to get some :attention, since my own thread is hijacked with an on topic discussion! :rofl:
USBase carried base/lt for years. People love the stats, cheat protection and proactive admins.

The demise of Tribes came the second bugs gave it all up.
Andrew's stat hud is client-side.

The end of mission objective listing is an invisible listbox that displays formatted text. Each line is set individually, and the server has complete control over it's layout and style: centered, justified, colored, font, image, etc.

Creating the listing is real simple: loop thru clients, set the lines accordingly.

The difficulty is not in the listing, but in how you determine each stat.
I have never really messed with server stuff. But how hard/easy is it to get andrew's stathud to show @ end game screen?

You would need to make changes in these files mainly. It's not that hard if you can code a little.
